NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Kino Education Society

Gat No.175/3, Plot no.8 RamzanPura, Dyane
Nashik, Maharashtra
Contact: 9595956620 ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09595956620
Website: Not Available


Activities and programmers of Kino Education Society are structured around various areas like Science & Technology, Environment, Health & Nutrition, Education, Awareness, Skill Up gradation, Child and Women Welfare, Legal Awareness, Disaster Management, Literature, Culture, Youth Activities and Sports. It is now recognized by every one that government alone cannot improve the socio-economic status of the lot of millions of people and a joint pooled effort is necessary. Be it education, health or employment or even water and basic sanitation, Large number of children, youth and women continue to face deprivation and are forced to lead sub human lives. Tremendous progress made in various fields ahs hardly made a difference in the quality of lives of vast majority. Its strategy is to employ the marginalized by building up their capacities through education and skill development. It is primary objectives to undertake wide ranging activities designed to maximize the potential of the target of community so as to improve the quality of life of people through need based programmes and activities. Kino Education Society seeks to realize its objectives through community participation resource mobilizations and networking with other organizations. All its interventions are based on the felt needs of the community/families. It started with a survey to identify school dropouts and slow learners and commenced its activities with village children. Kino Education Society though involved in economic activities places more emphasis on social rehabilitation than an economic development. As such its objectives are to develop self realm village communities by applying appropriate technologies in agro-forestry land, Animal husbandry, water conservation, housing skill development, health and nutrition. Its strategy for social reconstruction and socio-economic disparities thereby, helping the rural poor. Since last 16 years this Organization doing lots for the needy and society, with supported of our well wishers and public. Our sisters organization, addmisrative, police, health department and other likeminded associate organizations help lot to us in this novel works.
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