NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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snird railpet
Prakasam, Andhra & Telangana
Contact: godfrey ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9849212816
Website: Not Available


SNIRD VISION: “SNIRD to be a resource and development organization working on integrated development for an equitable, just and harmonious society where people live with dignity”. SNIRD MISSION: To build up capacities of the vulnerable communities to protect, enhance and improve their quality of life in a sustainable environment through cooperative action leading to better use of natural resources and increase in their collective bargaining power.
1. This society is formed on a non-profit basis for Rural Development to enable the people to help themselves for total development.
2. This society is formed with a view to plan, formulate organize, and support activities which facilitate total or holistic development of the poor, suffering and downtrodden irrespective of caste, creed, colour race and religion.
. The main aim of this society is to ensure comprehensive development of human being family and community race and religion.
• To educate the people so that they may realize their own talents and potentialities which will help them to develop themselves and provide opportunities to develop their talents and potentialities.
• To identify the socio-economic cultural situations, human resources and facilitate rural reconstruction movements for the villagers.
• To assist the needy to establish small scale industries, cottage industries etc., to augment the finance or to supplement their scanty income.
• To import new skills and train in or teach advanced or appropriate skills, which provide secondary, source of income and enhance the standard of living of the poor people.
• To attend the Medical needs and teach preventive measures and infuse health conscience.
• To take care of children, aged, destitute, suffering and handicapped in all possible ways.
• To provide educational and vocational training to promote self-employment.
• To promote non-formal and adult education units to the needy communities.
• To diffuse knowledge and establish and maintain libraries and reading rooms for members and for public.
• To study and conduct research on social, civic, arts, literature, science, cultural, economic aspects of the rural communities and promote them.
• To organize meetings, conference, seminars etc., for achieving or furthering the aims of the society.
• To educate and provide technical assistance for improved agricultural methods and promote modern farming methods.
• To propagate the latest and maintain any programme which help people to realize their real life situation.
• To provide relief in case of natural disasters like cyclones, tidal waves, earthquakes, epidemics drought etc.
• To promote, establish, conduct manage, maintain, administer and coordinate social welfare centers, social training centers, legal aid and education centers, development training projects to aid and assist activities conducive to the realization of the objects of the society.
• To promote national integrity by serving as a catalyst for village development in the country.
• To promote communal unit and national feeling in places having communal disharmony by organizing various cultural activities fine arts and activities of common interest beginning at village level.
4. The accept grants, subscriptions, donations, gifts etc., in cash or kind from any person, corporation, trust foundations societies or organizations in our country and abroad for the fulfillment of the above objectives of the society. 5. To build purchase or otherwise acquire property both movable and immovable for carrying out the aims of the society and to keep, repair, add alter and maintain the same.

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