NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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At-Town Hall, Po-Jeypore
Koraput, Orissa
Contact: R.K Tripathy ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available

Activities: Women/Gender,Children,Education,Tribal & Indegeneous,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Others

(1) Helath , Education & environment Development (2) Women and child empowerment and Development (3) Protectin wild animals and development

1. HEALTH & SANITATION a. To bring awareness an consciousness and to bring consciousness among the people about all types of fatal diseases like HIV,AIDS,TB, Cancer ,Leprosy, Malaria, Diarrhea, Cholera etc. and to check & eradicate of above all fatal disease . b. To create awareness on Health, Hygienic, Sanitation, Immunization etc . At the grassroots level & to provide medical service to poor people. c. To open free medical service centers for all type of fatal diseases for poor people and to do Different health, Sanitation program in rural areas. d. To identity disable person like mental disabled, deaf & dumb and all type of organic defect person and to provide them all type of facilities and their rehabilitation. e. To do mobile health camp in rural area & to provide free health check-up to poor & needy people. f. To provide free supply of medicine /Nitrous food or dry food to poor & needy women etc. g. To setting up of safe drinking water units in rural area & slum area. h. To create awareness generation program in rural area. i. To generate awareness among the poor SC/ST/OBC financial women about all type of major fatal disease like HIV(Aids) Leprosy ,T.B, Malaria ,Cancer etc. as well as type of minor disease that are community prevailing in rural and urban slums .This apart ,efforts to educate them on safe drinking water, sanitation and personal hygiene will also be made .much emphasis also be given to highlight the reasons for infant mortality and maternal mortality and to overcome them. j. To provide free health checkups, health checkups, health care with free medicals, nutritious food to the poor SC/ST/ and other financially backward class women their children. k. To provide free medicine service, Nitrous food to poor Schedule caste & Schedule tribe & other financial backward women & their minor children of rural & urban area of Koraput District. 2. EDUCATION a. To start and establishment of institution on rural area which includes schools, technical schools, training centers vocational training centers ,health centers & science and technology etc. b. To establishment of non formal education centers for poor women/girls & other needy people of the society. c. Free supply of books /study materials including stationeries, school bags, Uniforms etc. d. To create education awareness generation program in rural & slum area of the society. e. To setting up vocational training centers in rural area & slum area of its area of operation. f. To provide all type of vocational training & education to illiterate ,semi-educated ,poor women /girl of the Koraput district with shelter and facility and & to provide them all type of technically & finance assistance in both rural & slum area of its area of operation. To promote Education our activities includes:- (i) Formal education up to post graduate for all.(ii) Formal education up to class-V to poor tribal child specially girl(iii) Technical educational developing promotion of skills for small scale income generation training program for youth:- (a) Tailoring (b) Stitching (c) Knitting (d) Food processing and storing (e) Paper playmaking (f) Agargbati making(g) Carpet making (h) Computer Education (i) Program bricks. (ii) To promote adult education and female education our activities includes - a) Sanitation and preventive measures .(ii) Treatment of common diseases (iii) Leprosy eradication (iv) Low cost health care units etc. 3. HUMAN RIGHTS. a) To organize male/female self help groups for bringing socio –economic and cultural changes in our area of operation . b) To counseling for domestic disturbance . c) To promote child rights ,children should be provided studies minimum up to high school level. 4. PLANTATION. To teach rural people to preserve their own environment clean and preserve forest it also includes pollution control. Forest protection ,social forest and disaster preparedness and to build mass all type of plantation environment and to do work for rehabilitation of animals , bird and to do fight for animal right and their preservation etc for all round development of animal and birds. 5. CULTURAL & SPORTS To preserve and rehabilitation of old culture & to promote sports and arts in rural areas to establish sports /arts school and hostels for every 10 to 15 villages & developing local talent & protection of tribal art and culture. 6. ECONOMIC & SOCIAL WELFARE a. To providing marketing facilities to the poor SC.ST. & Tribal people for selling of forest products and to provide storage system. b. To co-operate and collaborate with other association in the implementation of development programme to educate the youth on National integration, family welfare, Pollution control protection of forest environment etc. c. To undertake and support people to undertake different developmental programmes such as watershed management, prevention of forest, social forestry etc. d. To undertake Alcohol and drug addiction .prevention camp, health camp, literacy camp etc. e. To motive and involve youths to identify and help of to eradicate social evils like bonded labour, consumer awareness low wage, untouchables literacy etc. to create a new social order with greater field freedom & justice etc. f. To organizing event management programme ,seminars , Workshops ,rallies ,group discussion, Important days ,week ,fort night ,fairs & festivals etc. g. To create, convenient marketing system and facilities for trading of local products. h. To eradicate unemployment and to make rural trial people self sufficient our organization will help them by establishing small scale industries where they can make their own forest of their environment raw materials finished and get more profit . i. To help the needy people or victims to provide relief in times of war, natural calamities or any emergency situation development on voluntary basis. j. To educate the people to be aware of their problems and to solve them with the available resources through their organized and collective action. k. To undertake various programs for rural development such as drinking water supply, sanitation, low-cost housing, bio-gas, anti-poverty programs, rural technology, construction of village roads management programs. l. To promote agriculture , animal husbandry ,fisheries ,poultry ,fisheries farming, agriculture, animal husbandry ,dairy farming mushroom cultivation ,floriculture, handicrafts , handlooms, cottage industries and other income generation activities to raise the standard of living of weaker section of the society. m. To establish hospitals for pubic ,old age homes & day care centers for old aged people, working women’s hostel & to establish short stay home & shelter house for needy ,poor ,deprived, distressed women & girls, to establish orphanage ,adoption centers & crèches for children and to provide night shelter, health care & sanitation facilities for the footpath dwellers in urban areas. n. To provide opportunities to needy & deserving women to undergo intensive training in the selected vocations and there by enable them to find employment right and the open market of take self employment . o. To rehabilitate the destitute women and their dependent children through vocational training and residential education & care and to create or facilitate opportunities for employment /self employment . p. To undertake various women’s developmental activities such as gender equality legal awareness ,counseling & assistance, women’s empowerment through awareness ,education, training and up –grading their economic standard of living. q. To organize nutrition education program for the benefit of the community, especially for women and children. r. To introduce and promote computer education, information technology and other forthcoming modern education technologies for the welfare of youth and women in rural and back ward areas & to organize holidays camps ,various competitions ,coaching’s and other activities having educational /entertainment values for the benefit of the children/students. s. To adopt various development programs such as health, education, Sanitation, Income generation, rehabilitation, vocational training and gender equality for the street children ,girl child laborer ,mentally retarded .physically handicapped children. t. To undertake research and publication activities in any field of community development preferably issues on women and children. To encourage children and their parents for schooling and education in backward areas by introducing various family helper programs and child sponsorships as a major activity. u. To work for the eradication of social evils such as alcoholism ,drug abuse, dowry system ,illiteracy etc. through peoples organization /community participation & to ensure integrated development of youth ,the society will undertake sports & games ,leaderships development ,national camps, organize educational entertainment & adventures trips ,spiritual education ,scholarships & coaching facility for students ,establishment of carrier guidance center & libraries ,organize training & exposure trips for overall personality development of the youth.. v. To work for the promotion of population education, AIDS awareness, blood donation camps blindness ,control eradication of leprosy and all sorts of health services in rural ,tribal and urban slums with special attention to women’s reproductive health and child survival . w. To promote environmental education, co-development protection & promotion of environment by organizing environment awareness, campaigns, Seminars, and workshops with stress for undertaking a forestation and social forestry as major program. x. To work for preservation & documentation manuscripts & holding of national importance and to support & establish museums, memorials ,& to encourage celebration of centenary /anniversary of eminent persons and to take initiatives for promotion, research and publication work on various aspects of Indian art and culture. y. To develop community and private non –forest wastelands leading to sustainable development of the operational area people. z. To provide emergency relief at the time of natural and man made calamities such as fold ,cyclone drought ,earthquake ,war etc. aa. To preserve & protect to wild animals and their rehabilitation. bb. To take dealership for kerosene ,ration card etc. Under Public Distribution System (PDS). 7. WOMEN & CHILD WELFARE : To implement the reproduction and child health care program and to trace the poor orphan, helpless ,needy poor children from both rural & slum area and to provide them education, shelter food ,cloth etc. their rehabilitation . a. To organize & establish women self help groups registered women union etc. for the development & empowerment of poor deprived distressed, need Schedule caste & Schedule Tribe and other financial & socially backward women of the society. b. To provide vocational training , minor loan free medicine ,nitrous & dry food to poor deprived distressed ,needy schedule caste & Scheduled Tribe and other financial & socially backward women of the society. c. To establish short stay home or shelter home to for poor old aged ,deprived ,distressed ,needy Scheduled caste & Scheduled Tribe and other social backward women of the society. d. To empowerment of women /girls of SC/ST./OBC & other financial back ward communities by imparting professional skills, technical knowledge etc. through vocational training in the field s preferably mushroom cultivation ,brick making poultry ,dairy farming other small scale cottage industries . e. To empowerment of women /girls of SC/ST/OBC & other financial back ward communities by imparting professional skills ,technical knowledge etc. through vocational training in the fields preferably mushroom cultivation ,brick making, poultry dairy farming ,other small scale cottage industries . 8. AGRICULTURE. To promote agriculture our activities includes (a) Kitchen Garden Program,(b) Cash Crop (c) Watershed management (d) Dry land cultivation (e) Horticulture, fisheries (f)Animals husbandry etc.

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