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Singjamei Makha Ningthoujam Leikai Handicraft Cooperative Society Ltd.

Singjamei Makha Ningthoujam Leikai
Senapati, Manipur
Contact: Ashangbam Gobin Singh ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 8415942357
Website: Not Available


Our cooperative society had undertook its activities. work and services as per aims and objectives and bye-law. during the under review, the management of the society had successfully implemented and conducted from its sources the following programs and services for promotion in sectors of handicrafts production, marketing in fifferent crafts practice by craftspersons of the area under the preview of the society for production and training from its own fund and borrowings. over and above said programs, the management organised and conducted :- formation of self help groups and awareness training for self sustainable, artistic textiles craft, embroidery with new designs, handblock printing, wooden decorarive, brass decorative, artifical flower making, woolen shoe making craft, terra cotta, can decorative, papier machie craft on dedicated manner for the devlopment of near and far flung hilly and rural SC/ST/OBC cares and weaker section and unemployed youth.

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