NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Gangotri Samajik Seva Sansthan

Vill-Gotiya PO- Asthawan, Nalanda Zip/Pin: 803107,M:9955222330
Patna, Bihar
Contact: Sanjay Kumar Sinha ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available

Activities: Others


Activities: Agriculture,Rural Development,SHG 


Gangotri Samajik Seva Sansthan (GSSS) aims for all-round development of the villages by providing,

• Formation of Self Help Groups and self-employment opportunities to women & men.

• Technical and Social support for utilizing the natural resources like Land, Water, Forest, Animals & Agriculture (Crop management, Horticulture, Cottage Industries).

• Infrastructure development such as Community Irrigation Well, Community Drinking Water Well, Hand pump, Lift Irrigation, Housing, Community Hall.

• Providing microfinance, training and developing enterprenering skill to rural communities

. • Developing human resources by establishing Schools, Technical & vocational institutions.

• Giving all organizational support for scientific development of rural villages & entering them into the enlightened world

. • To organize women & down trodden tribal for constructive development.

• To prohibit alcoholism, drug-addicts and superstition through social awareness.

• To develop a link between Government and rural population by popularizing the programme & action of the Government among them.

• To develop rural and agricultural technology by maximum use of local resources and to provide agricultural material like hybrid seeds, small machineries, hand tools, fertilizers and sanitary to the poor and marginal farmers such time to and give scientific to the farmers to grow more again To create suitable environment on the basis of equality

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