NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Institute for Youth and Development

97, 17th B Main, 5th Block, Kormangala,560015, M: 09901157444
Bangalore, Karnataka
Contact: B.Shamsuddeen ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available

Activities: Forest & Environment,Education,Health/Nutrition,Others

Institute for Youth and Development is a secular, non-profit voluntary organization established in 1978. It aims to promote the process of equity, social justice and sustainable development

Our Vision

• The Institute for Youth and Development as secular development Organization visualises to work with urban and rural poor- landless, women, youth, Dalit, tribal, marginal and small farmers, artisans and so on – towards sustainable development and to enable them to effectively participate in civil society.

• IYD visualises promoting conditions towards a just society Our Mission

• Empowerment of urban and rural poor through self-help and self-reliance and by promoting and working with people in preparing them with development perspectives, new attitudes and democratic values through education, training, productive skills and community based integrated development programmes.

• To focus on the Youth as a change agent.

Our Major Objectives:

• To strengthen the youth, women and the marginalised poor with such qualities and skills that will prepare them for life and enable them to function as catalyst in the process of change and development.

 • To create conditions to bring about a just, participatory and sustainable society.

• To Train and educate farmers on land, water, appropriate cropping, preservation of environment and natural resources.

• To promote entrepreneurship in Cottage, small and micro sectors.

• To co-ordinate and co-operate for development with youth organizations, welfare agencies, banks and Government departments.

• To initiate and organise need-based sustainable rural development projects in Environment, Energy, Health, Education, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Sericulture, Income Generation and so on

• To initiate the process to generate and promote conventional energy sources; bio-gas, solar for meeting sustainable rural energy needs.

• To improve ground water resources through various watershed development activities for sustainable agriculture.

• To develop and promote appropriate sustainable institutions for development and maintenance of rural common property resources including village tanks.

• To help designing implementation strategies and policy recommendations for development

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