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Association for Community Training

Mugaiyur, 605755,0944335501 Email:
Villupuram, Tamil Nadu
Contact: V.T.Irudayamary ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: http/

Activities: Others


Activities: Socio, economic development in depressed people 


In Search of Humanity: In our long walk of emancipating weaker section promotion of children rights, Protection of small and marginal farmers, Construction, un organized, manual workers we have achieved a lot and here brief it in the form of well ordered text to goodness What we are: Association for community training better known as ACT was blossomed in the year 1981 by a body of like minded people who have thirst to serve the society, quench to render social justice and to create equalitarian society under the leader ship of Mr.S. Arulandu, secretary mentor of ACT who was not satisfied to work for salaried job but wanted to work for rural marginalized poor where as he wanted to voice, struggle for ensuring their rights till their last breath in the world and aspired to have peaceful death ACT has been working in over 110 villages of Mugaiyur constituency, Villupuram district, Tamilnadu, India. As a Jubilant organization ACT has been progressively crossing 27 years of service. Vision: In search of God in man formation of a new way of being to a new society. To break the chains of society and to create new social order. Mission:- Through the process of multi facetted initiatives empowerment protect fundamental rights of the poor and the marginalized and fight against discrimination on the basis of caste, color, gender language, religion and restore human dignity to the down trodden Important Learning:-  The poor are willing to be educated if there is a proper guidance  Financial support could trigger development and through which other field of development  the organized village community organization, community residential volunteers could play a vital role in developing a better empowered society.  The leadership qualities are emerging among the marginalized  People are ready to take up responsibilities and became self reliant self sustainable if there is any monitoring input  Micro credit is the need of the hour in order to life the life of poor women and to create boosted confident life.  There is a lot of awareness among poor too. Salient Features of Our Activities:- 1. Non - Formal Education:- Association for community training received grant from ASW, Germany in 1985 to promote cultural awareness, community organizing and human rights programs to educate the Dalit about their legal rights, through setting up of Non-formal educational centre at local WSHGs women leader’s house at local achieved 35 poor school drop outs education and main streaming them in to formal school after 10 months of training in functional literacy, art of singing song, story telling, etc, The centre was manned by local educated girls volunteer. Future Programs : Construction and Establishment of Technical Career Development Institute with Hostel accommodation in Mugaiyur Village “to promote technical education among rural poor HIV/AIDS prevention through information, education &communication (IEC) in Villupuram District Lighting the life of Dalit women community in to empowerment. Undertaking Human Rights issues and intensifying of Dalit rights activities. Creation of Founder “Sevai Semmal “ S.Arulandu Ecological Farm Development as a demonstrative plant of Villupuram district.

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