NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Sambhav Foundation

201, Raghubansh Apartment, Rd 3H, New Patliputra Colony, 800013, 9135087514
Patna, Bihar
Contact: Rajan Gautam ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available

Activities: Others


Activities: Livelihood, Agriculture, SHG, Capacity Building, Awareness, Health, RCH, Disaster 


1. For agricultural development organize agricultural training for farmers. Mass awareness in village and block through constituting people’s organization. 2. To make provision and training on production of herbs, medicinal plants, aromatic plants. 3. To speed up the process of rural development and strengthen the agricultural, horticultural and animal husbandry sector. 4. To educate about and traine in alternative system and forms of agriculture. 5. To provide necessary help to small and marginal farmers and demonstrate use of better tools and techniques in agriculture. 6. To traine, arrange and encourage use of compost and natural fertilizer. 7. To encourage disabled for treatment and self employment 8. To establish and manage orphanage. 9. To strive for restoring respect for the aged people and make arrangements for their safety and stay. 10. To ensure mental, physical and intellectual help for physically and mentally challenged people. 11. To work for the welfare of animals and establish care centers for the animals. 12. To undertake training and production activities for developing traditional handicraft and cottage industries. 13. To link people with village and cottage industries. 14. To eradicate unemployment, establish different kinds of technical education. 15. To work for the eradication of child labour from the society. 16. Overall development of women and youth through imparting vocational and technical skills and establishing institutions, industries, small scale industries and other enterprises. 17. To provide economic, social and special training for the self employment to dependent and widow women. 18. Arrange help from Govt. and non Govt. sector for the overall development of SC and ST women. 19. To conduct programmes for economic, social and moral development of poor, exploited and backward people of society. 20. To promote social welfare activities with special emphasis on women empowerment. 21. To form self help groups, federations and cooperatives and run income generation activities by linking them with banks through micro-credit. 22. To organize the poor sections of the society 23. To conduct programs against social ills, superstitious, orthodoxy, dowry, atrocities, prostitutions, trafficking and violence against women and child etc. 24. To conduct education and other programs for holistic development of women and child. 25. To run education centers for children, women and adult under literacy program. 26. To establish library and reading room from district to village level. 27. To organize lecture and debate. 28. To arrange and organize education, training, games and sports meets gyms and other facilities for the Welfare of Youth. 29. Establish and ensure Nutrition diet, Balwadi, Bal Vidhyalaya Kendra, Non formal education centre, creche and other projects for the welfare of the children. 30. For the welfare of youth establishing physical teacher’s training school. 31. To establish school and college in the area. 32. To establish and run health centres with a focus on mother and child health and undertake the necessary health related programmes. 33. To encourage cheap and alternative medicine system, establish charitable medical centre and encourage methods for population control and hygiene issues. 34. To create awareness about communicable and vector-borne disease control measures through better hygiene and sanitation. 35. To narrow the difference between the health status of people on the basis of their religion, region, caste, class and gender. 36. To make people aware about family planning, blindness, leprosy, disability, HIV/AIDS and other contagious diseases. 37. Establish community hospital for family welfare and community health improvement. 38. To work for environmental awareness, sustainable development and participative management of local natural resources for village level development. 39. To establish and maintain the traditional form of irrigation system and channels for the welfare of the community. 40. To work for access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities. 41. To make village beautiful and clean organization would help in construction of Road, Drainage, and community toilet, water management and other things in village. 42. To organize camps and cultural program for awareness building. 43. To raise social awareness against child labour, girl child labour, human trafficking and gender discrimination in child rearing. 44. To organize people’s awareness in the interest of people and country. 45. To traine and establish non-conventional source of energy in the community. 46. To undertake relief programs during natural and man-made calamities and disasters and take up rehabilitation measures, if necessary. 47. To provide information on legal matters to the backward and oppressed section of the society, if necessary provide legal protection to them and take initiatives for benefiting common people from law. 48. To undertake production of folk dance, drama, cultural training and publication to promote folk culture. 49. To organize photo exhibitions, meetings, seminars and research for development of society and community and awareness among people. 50. To conduct youth leadership development program and publish news papers. 51. To conduct all such welfare schemes through which mental, physical, intellectual, social, economical and educational development of women, youth and children is possible. 52. Try to develop and popularize Indian language, culture, tradition, traditional skills, teaching, art and culture through publication. 53. To ensure adequate wage for labourers. 54. Arrange hostel for working youths. 55. To undertake study research, situational analysis and case studies on social issues. 56. To work as a consultant and advisor for any issues pertaining to development of society or community. 57. To establish and implement micro credit system. 58. To implement micro insurance for the benefit of the society and community. 59. To produce documentary films for the cause of educating the masses and social awareness. 60. To promote use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) for socio-economic development of the community. 61. To create awareness among people about functions and powers of PRIs (Panchayati Raj Institutions) and increase people’s participation in democratic institutions. 62. To collaborate with corporate houses to fulfill their social responsibilities.

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