NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Society for Rainfed Area Development

66A, Shivpuri, Near Satya Nagar Jhotwara, 302012,9460985153 Email:
Jaipur, Rajasthan
Contact: Rajesh Khangarot ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available

Activities: Others

Activities: Rainfed Area Development 
Aim/Objective/Mission:  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To improve the socio-economic condition of the small and marginalized section of the community particularly tribal and women through various integrated rural development initiatives and innovations. To develop and implement poverty focus participatory approach in watershed development and water resource development program, which is sustainable and can be replicable to other areas of Rajasthan To establish village base institutions such as society, saving and thrift credit group, SHGs etc for strengthening the process of participatory development in field of agriculture, health etc. To setup knowledge centre for the rural peoples in the areas of watershed development and other aspects of NRM base livelihoods. To promote organic production and their marketing in the area of agriculture. To built up the capacity of community for self-reliant so that they can be able to identify their problems and self develop the solution through team spirit.

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