NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Gramin Vikas Sewa Sansthan

Vill. Garauna PO Govindpur
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Contact: D P Tripathi ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: na

Activities: Forest & Environment,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Others
As Avobe

Gram Vikas Seva Sansthan is registered in 1997-98 under Rajasthan Society Registration act 28, 1958. Registration under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act of 1976, 12 A Registration Certificate & Valid 80G. GVSS has been working in the rural and urban areas of Rajasthan in India on the issues of Education, Health, HIV/AIDS, Linking people with Government Programmers, Environment, Dalit Empowerment, Agricultural & Food Security, Ageing, Women & Child Labour, Micro-finance, People’s organization, Water & Sanitation Campaign, Livelihood and Women Income Generation programme etc.

Right from its inception, organization has been working with people of all communities and caste in the area with a dream of constructing a society free from caste, class and exploitation. The main objective has been to link marginalized community and women with larger society by social, economic and political empowerment. Organization believes that to make marginalized community self dependent and empower there is a need of change in traditional structure of the society.


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