NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Action Group for Social Change(AGSC)

Near Hira Floor Mill,Prabhatnagar,Bhagwanpur,Muzaffarpur-842001,M:09334058692
Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Contact: Md.Jalaluddin khan ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available

Activities: Others


Activities: Community mobilisation,Networking,Behaviour change communication 


Organization’s Vision and Mission:

Vision: “Establishment of a society in which every individual without discrimination can live a life of self reliance.”

Mission: Providing opportunity and alternatives to disadvantaged and underserved section of the community particularly youth, adolescent and women through improved economical, social and political to enable them to enter into the mainstream of development.

Goal: Organization aims to continue empowerment process for the poor and marginalized people (youth, adolescent and women) providing better opportunities for sustainable development in specified area.


• To implement rural development programs for the advancement of the weaker sections of the society.

• To enhance capacity of the personnel working in and for the organization and ultimately enhancing capacity of people (women, adolescent and youths).

• Facilitate mass awareness programs to empower deprived community and bring all round development, self respect and dignity in them.

• To create innovative models of sustainable development that can be replicated to any part.

• To work for social harmony among different communities so as to improve better relationships among people.

• Protection of environment, pollution control and reduction of hazards through preparedness and peoples’ participation.

• To improve educational status of children especially of girls through non-formal, formal and vocational education.

• To improve health status of the community through community participation, health education and health funds.

• To facilitate involvement of the weaker section especially women in the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs).

• Liaison, lobbying, networking and advocacy with Government and like-minded NGOs and Funding Agencies.

• Need and Action based Research, Documentation for rural development.

• To facilitate and organize various community-based training programs for the rural community.

• To do relief work for street children, victims from flood and natural calamities, orphans, the poor, the aged and the destitute.

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