NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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All India Muslim, Youth Majlis

Phulwari Kothi, Sabzibagh,800004,M:9386448990 Email:
Patna, Bihar
Contact: Motiur Rahman Bari ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available

Activities: Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Education,Others

a) To promote relations of cordials goodwill, brotherhood, peace and co-operation among the different communities

b) To protect and safe guard the interest of minorities and other weaker section of the Society by application, deputation, petition, memorials to the government

c) To give political and social know how to the Muslim and other minorities communities of India.

d) To protect, safe guard the interest of Urdu Language in Union oi’ Ldia by application, deputation, petitions and memorials to the Government for the propagation of Urdu for its recognition in the any sta of the Union of India.

e) To assist educational movements, specially those ftr the education of women and children, the education of backward classes and industrial and scientific education.

f) To give loans, scholarships, prizes and monatary assistance to Minorities students & other weaker section of the Society..

g) To give relief against famine, floods, fire and all kinds of distress and calamities.

h) To start Teaching institution with job oriented courses & other benefited scheme for root out the economical backwardness of Miiioiity & other weaker section of the Society.

i) To start various schemes for the benefits of Minority women and women’s for other weaker section for remote out their economical backwardness.

j) To print, publish and exhibit any books pamphlets, pictures that may be consider disereable for the promotion of the society may be consider describable for the promotion of the object of the Majlis.

k) To print Organ of the Majlis to popularize the aims and objects of the Majlis.

1) To bring together and to co-operate with the similar existing organisation engaged in the promotion of other languages.

m) To arrange and hold conference, exhibition, meetings, discussion, dramas, mushairas, Kavi sammelans, and to do all lawful acts and things for the propagation of Muslim culture & other weaker section of the Society..

n) To provide and maintain far the use of its members, library and reading rooms and art gallery and to furnish the same with boo:s . magazines, periodicals and pictures re’ating to Minority Culture.

o) To promote the study, practice and knowledge of’ Urdu Arabic and Persian, language.

p) To carry on such other lawful activities as are conductive to the attainment of the objects of the Majlis and for making its members fit for the duties and responsibilities of citizenship.

q) To promote literacy and education with special emphasis on science, medical Science and vocational education by establishing institutions among the Indian Communities in general and Indian Muslim community and other minority communities in Particular.

r) To establish, promote, guide and encourage institution for education specially minority Institutions, with due emphasis on education and other weaker section of the Society.

s) To inculcate a sense of urgency and sense of responsibility in educated citizens and motivate them to make efforts for educating their lesser fortunate brothers and sisters in respect of health care & nursing.

t) To undertake schemes, programmes, projects, to organize symposium, seminars conference and to make much efforts as are necessary to implement the aims and objects of the organization.

u) To make all possible efforts for the social, Economic, educational and cultural enlistment of the Indian communities in general and Indian Muslim community and other Minority communities in Particular.

v) To provide training to unemployed youth like computer education & training, software, hardware, electronics, electrical, typing, short hand, beautician training, for their economical development and self employment.

w) To provide health care facilities to the rural and urban area people and run health wariness programmed, sanitation programme, AIDS, Cancer, Kalazar, T.B., Hepetitus “B” ,Leprosy eradication programme and provide health care centre, mobile dispensaries, health checkup centre, vaccination camp, pathology centre and run health awareness programmed in the society.

x) To run environmental awareness programme, plantation programme, sanitation programme, rural development programme in the society and aware all kinds of people to use Non-conventional energy and provide to the rural area people.

y) To promote, assist, develop, run organized, manage, sponsor improve, plan, setup and upgrade agriculture, horticulture, fishery, forestry, sericulture, poultry, dairy, animal husbandry, and all types of agriculture and agricultural facilities including seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation and water resources, agrobased industries and run watershed development programme.

z) To organise seminar, meetings, conferences, debates, workshop for the purpose of rural development, National Integration, cultural development, socio economic problem and problem of unemployment and run educational development programme, literacy programme in the society and to work for the welfare of Bidi labour ,Child 1 our,women labour, bounded labour and all types of labour.

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