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Development of Human Awareness and Resource Action (DHARA)

Ward no.15, behind Dr.B.D.Sahu Hospital,Barela,M:09424370249,E:
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Contact: Praveen dwivedi ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09424370249
Website: nil

Activities: Welfare


Legal Status: The organisation is registered under madhya pradesh society registration act No.44 of 1973.since 2002 the organisation is registered under section 12A & 80G. Of the income tax act. 1961. (PAN No.: AAAAD2460Q)


Nature of the organisation: DHARA is a development oriented & social organisation contributing to a wide range of social & developmental concerns.


Geographical area of operation : Working in central india in rural , semi-urban and urban slums. (Rural areas of block -Narayanganj & Bijadandi distt-Mandla and rural areas of Jabalpur) (i) Total No. of villages : 10 (ii) Total population covered : 5000 Networking /collaboration partners: Dhara is a part of many state level networks and is a members of BGMS, MPVHA & FPAI. Our organisation is working with MNGO Tarun Sanskar.


DHARA: DHARA is a non-government, non-profit, registered voluntary organisation. The organisation facilitates the empowerment of oppressed and marginalised people through promoting and supporting them, by strengthening and sustaining, their Livelihood, which is safe & secure.


Goal: The major goal of DHARA is to built an equalitarian and empowered social order to keep it free from social, economic and political exploitation through awarness and motivation to struggle for, human rights and a better livelihood which is secure and sustainable.


Obiectives : (1) To facilitate the empowerment process by providing training to improve knowledge, skills & develop human potentials. (2) To initiate economic actions in sustainable agriculture for achieving food security. (3) To ensure gender justice and establish women as equal partners with man at all levels. (4) To promote ecofriendly activities so as to arrest environmental degradation. (5) To organise and promote the formation of people’s organisation. (6) To promote interdisciplinary research & training on alternative futures.


DEVELOPMENTAL INITIATIVES / STEPS Women Empowerment: (1) Safe motherhood (2) Capacity building (3) Gender sensitisation (4) Legal education Poverty Alleviation: (1) Natural resource management. (2) Water resource development (3) Agriculture extension (4) Employment generation activities (5) Organic farming Governance: (1) Trainings & capacity building (2) Social action (3) Grassroot advocacy Health: (1) Health education (2) Traditional system of medicines (3) Reproduction & child health (4) Aids awareness Children & Adolescents: (1) Preprimary education (2) Vocational education (3) Child rights Education: (1) Vocational training for skill development (2) Balwadi & non-formal education Income generation activities undertaken: (1) Medicinal plants cultivation (2) NTFP collection & marketing.


TARGET COMMUNITY Econimically and socially disadvantged sections Expecially : Tribals, Women, Children. Landless. Agricultrual labourers. Slum dwellers etc. Staff Employed: Full time employed – 5 Part time employed – 10 Voluntary workers – 10 Past Projects of Organisation: (1) Reproductive child health program (RCH project) supported by Ministry of health & welfare, Govt. of India through MNGO Tarun Sanskar, Jabalpur. (2) Tribal livelihood project supported by Indian Gramin Service (BASIX, Jabalpur). (3) I.E.C. Programs supported by ISM&H Govt. of India through Tarun Sanskar, Jabalpur. (4) MMR project supported by MPVHA & UNICEF. (5) Pulse polio program supported by MPVHA & UNICEF. (6) Adolescent health & sexuality program supported by MPVHA & UNICEF.. Awareness program about ill effects of TOBACCO supported by MPVHA. Develoment of herbal garden supported by MPVHA. Ward no.15, behind Dr.B.D.Sahu hospital, Purani chakki, P.O.Barela, district – Jabalpur State- Madhya Pradesh Pin – 483001 Telephone : 0761 – 2890385 (office) Mobile : 9424370249 Year of establishment : 2002 Registration number : J.J. – 6342 Fax : 0761 – 2890264


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