NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Salem, Tamil Nadu
00914276548744, 0936
Contact: Mrs.M. GANGADEVI ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: nil

Activities: Women/Gender,Children,Micro Finance,SHG/IGP,Others

Activities: Women and Child Development,
1.        To provide the preprimary school children of SK Nursery and Primary School withproper supplementary nutrition, for their good growth and development.

2.     To educate the parents of the children to prepare the low cost food items from
the locally available food grains and other things to ensure the good growth and
development of the children.

3.To reach 100% school enrollment in Manickampalayam village and surrounding villages of Tiruchengode taluk, Namakkal district, To establish the children rights society
in the project area.

4.To upgrade the status of women and work for better participation of Rural women  in
all walk of the Society

5. To form Groups and clubs among women and to implement the self
employment programmes through women groups for the upliftment of
their economic and social status.

6. To involve in Pollution control and Animal WelfareTo form Groups and clubs among menand to train under self-employment schemes for their economical development to givetraining for composing, printing, sericulture for their economical developmentTo
involve Human Rights Protection (Women & Child) and legal aid activitiesTo promote
Micro Credit and Savings to the SHG MembersTo prevent and Eliminate Child labour

1. To provide the preprimary school children of SK Nursery and Primary School with proper supplementary nutrition, for their good growth and development. 4. To educate the parents of the children to prepare the low cost food items from the locally available food grains and other things to ensure the good growth and development of the children. To reach 100% school enrollment in Manickampalayam village and surrounding villages of Tiruchengode taluk, Namakkal district, To establish the children rights society in the project area. To upgrade the status of women and work for better participation of Rural women in all walk of the Society To form Groups and clubs among women and to implement the self employment programmes through women groups for the upliftment of their economic and social status. To involve in Pollution control and Animal WelfareTo form Groups and clubs among men and to train under self-employment schemes for their economical development to give training for composing, printing, sericulture for their economical developmentTo involve Human Rights Protection (Women & Child) and legal aid activitiesTo promote Micro Credit and Savings to the SHG MembersTo prevent and Eliminate Child labour

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