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Human & Environment Care Associaiton

Deshpande lay out,Near Dastur Nagar
Amravati, Maharashtra
Contact: Sharad Pant ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9421957852

Activities: Welfare

Human & Environment Care Association (HECA) is registered under Society Registration Act of 1860 under section 21 on 3rd April 2010. Human & Environment Care Association (HECA) conducts activities for Education, health, environment, human settlement through various programs. Human & Environment Care Association gives emphasis on providing education, health services to disadvantaged sections of the society. It identifies education; health needs of local people, and provides services according to their expressed needs through involvement of local populace, educational Institutions and health agencies. The Association also concerned with sustainable human settlement ensuring basic amenities and public facilities. Considering the need for capacity and skill building in village youth, the Association has arranged a free workshop at Budli village; district Amravati, Maharashtra in collaboration with Teachers & Panchyat members. Total numbers of youth beneficiaries of the camp were 56, which include 35 boys & 21 girls. The unemployed youth of village were also consulted and guided by the professional career advisors. By seeing the importance, usefulness, overwhelming support and demands from village youth, the association is decided to organize such camps in other interior villages. At village level there is lack of career information and guidance for village youth. The poor farmers’ boys and girls in Vidarbha region are away from updated career information and job opportunities.

The Association is responded to this need by opening Library equipped with career and employment guided books & magazines Being aware of importance of Education, Health and sustainable human settlement, Association is working towards preserving past, developing present and creating future. The short-form of an Association “HECA” itself has meaning. In Marathi ‘HECA’ means “Why this?”, thus behind every activity and actions of Association there is meaning, aims and objectives.

The Association is conduct, supervise and take over educational institution as of boys and girls and adults, blinds, deaf & dumb and handicapped. It is also involved in documentation & research and initiating action oriented programs for the development of weaker sections of society and to organize mobilize and train people for community participation, local self governance, capacity & leadership building, gender sensitization and women empowerment.

The Association is involved in identifying students who are not able to continue their studies due to financial problems. It facilitates such needy students by linking them with Govt. Education Dept. schemes or by linking up with potential donor to continue their education. Leading to environment conservation & Protection, Association has planned to expand its work in the area of ‘Natural Resource Management’. The holistic program would encompass rainwater harvesting, wastewater treatment, wastewater recycle, judicial use of water sources, massive plantation, conducting Environment protection/ climate change awareness programs and best utilization of land through land management measures Future plans

• To establish one computer institute & vocational Training Center in Malkhed village.

• With the cooperation and coordination of Panchyat, improve sanitation condition in minimum 10 villages in this financial year.

• Conduct 8 Child & youth Capacity Building Workshops in interior villages.

• Establishment of Career Guidance center cum Library in minimum 3 interior villages.

• Conducting minimum 12 numbers of Educational Awareness camps in Schools and in villages on Need of Environment protection and Climate Change.

• Conducting minimum 12 numbers of Sanitation Awareness camps to promote construction of toilets and to use it.

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