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Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti ( PSS)

Community Center -Pati, Champwat
Champawat, Uttaranchal
Contact: Kishor Chandra ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 91-9818447748

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Health/Nutrition,Livelihood,Water/Climate,Welfare

Establishment of the Committee In order to strike balance in between the study of ‘changes’ occurring in the ecosystem and the essential elements of ecology i.e. environments and development program, a meaningful effort was being done by the aware rural class of the region through voluntary tree plantation in the year 1968.

A committee to achieve this task was registered under ‘Society Registration Act 1860’ with the name “ Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti” Pati, under the inspirational supervision of Sri Harinandan Gahtodi in the year 1990, thus providing an opportunity to the rural mass of Central Himalayas to work for their environment.

The committee is graced by Sri Krishnanand Gahtodi as a President, Sri Pitambar Gahtodi as a Director and many other energy bound youths, both men and women.

After its set-up, the Committee was determined to extend its helping hand for social works, poor women, and widows and physically challenged. In addition to this, it also helped in purchasing collective utensils, livestock conservation and treatment, water and forest conservation, etc. Tie-up with Uttrakhand Seva Nidhi Thus to obtain adequate financial aid for the functioning of it, the Committee’s Director Sri Pitamber Gahtodi , on the suggestion of DR. Mragesh Pandey, lecturer PG college Pithoragarh , went to see the Director of the Uttrakhand Seva Nidhi, Sri Lalit Pandey.

After a long discussion the Committee succeeded to convince the Director to discharge 4000 saplings initially and 27000 & 30500 saplings for the next year. The Uttrakhand Seva Nidhi also responde well to the proposal of ‘Balwari’ program being moved by Committee and had sent some people to Pati for the same. Consequently it began with 5 Balwari and to 18 gradually.

Objectives of Committee Far-off located rural region of Pati block, district Champawat was among those areas which were under grim backwardness in terms of development process and social change. In an attempt to accomplish the Committee’s goals, where the natural resources are broadly developed according to the proper circumstances and the construction of an ideal society with no cast discrimination and where every individual should learn with liberty, 18 objectives are listed below in accordance to then circumstances. Environment conservation and pollution solution Preventing land sliding and its conservation Land reform and rural industry Nursery construction and plantation Poultry, apiculture, fish breeding and rabbit breeding Small and cottage industry/training Establishment of centre and management Conservation of cultural heritage’ Family welfare and alcohol prohibition Rural limpidity and arrangement of drinking water Agriculture development and environment awareness program Medical aid to weaker section Wild life and forest protection and herbs development Women empowerment program Assisting in development programs run by government Empowerment programs of weaker section Promotion of social forestry and advanced agriculture technology Enhancement of alternative energy

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