S. C. Road, P.O- Old Malda, District-Malda
Malda, West Bengal
+91 30512- 260916
Contact: Mr. Biswajit Bose ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +91 9851593454
E-mail: mss.malda@gmail.com
Website: Nil
Main Activity : - Health, Education, Disabilities, Anti Trafficking, Child Protection, HIV/AIDS, NGO/CBOs Networking, Women Empowerment etc. Our Vision : To develop pollution free environment and healthy community for future generation, where the society will identify human value and leave with peace and harmony.
Mission : To create opportunities for deprived, down trodden people and children with special need through education, health, livelihood and safe migration initiatives. Role : The central role of MSS is “Enabler”. To discharge the duties and responsibilities of the central role it complies with the inherent roles like motivator, facilitator and provider. Issue based program : MSS is working on Networking, Advocacy and Lobbying with other like-minded NGOs. The issue areas of involvement are Child right, Women right, Human right, Food & Work right, Consumer right, Farmers’ Rights, Education, Health, Adolescent, Youth development, Environment, Population, AIDS, Sanitation, Arsenic, Erosion, Migration, Trafficking, Local issues etc.
Objective :
To social movement in the area child rights, women empowerment, human rights, consumer protection rights etc.
To develop human potentiality and critical awareness so that the identified group of people become able to organize themselves.
To enhance knowledge and skill of the identified group of people so that they can plan and act accordingly towards achieving sustainable development trough participatory process.
To develop the status of women through organizing Mahila Mandalis.
To aware the community and especially the women regarding health, education, environment, disability and also to provide related support services.
To rehabilitate the child prostitutes in the homes and cooperate with the all children to establish their rights in the society.
To facilitate the community in adopting disaster preparedness and awareness on environmental changes along with the factors and forces behind such changes.
To make the community informed about their rights and mainstream development programs of the State and Central Government and various linkages establish with line departments.
To motivate people for judicious utilization of local resources.
To create socio-economic-cultural-political awareness among the people.
To emphasis the need for education as the first step to fight against poverty.
To provide and arrange need based training to the rural folk, men and women, to upgrade their knowledge and improve their skill to become socio – economically self-reliant.
To hold organisational meetings, workshops, seminars and to conduct awareness campaigns on democratic and human rights among common people.
To sensitize the judiciary on the prevention of trafficking in women and girls and their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS.
To establish linkages, create partnerships and coalitions with local NGOs, CBOs and SHG.