NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Sivalayam Educational Institutions Trust

13/350, LIC Colony,Perur Main Road, Kumarapalayam Po
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Contact: Bharathiraj S ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +919842686626

Activities: Education,Training,Tribal & Indegeneous,SHG/IGP

The objects for which the Trust is founded are:
a) To promote better education in and around the Coimbatore District, it may broad to the whole of Tamilnadu,
b) To provide an equal education among the “Aravani’s” in this case the separate institution will be found,
c) To promote Computer Education among the Tribals, Women Self Help Groups, below poverty line people and those who are willing to study,
d) To enrich the handicrafts, i.e., embroidery, tailoring and other slowly disappearing minor jobs, 4
e) To support the unsupported people, widows, orphans for their education, it may extends upto their accommodation, job etc.,
f) To promote the urban computer knowledge among the students, higher education and free educational counseling, it may spread over throughout rural areas.
g) To provide free medical, legal, psycho aids,
h) To create awareness for software using with the works in and around the city, i.e., Small industries, self business, School & Colleges, etc.,
i) To provide scholarship to the ranked poor students and to support their higher education,
j) To establish, maintain and run Schools, Colleges, Social service centres, Industrial Training centre,
k) To establish, Cultural, and Social Institutions,
l) To establish research and training centres for the furtherance of education/learning in it’s various fields and branches,
m) To bring, publish and sell, distribute books, periodicals, leaflets, brochures and papers and also to open and maintain libraries, reading rooms for the promotion of the objects of the Trust,
n) To acquire and maintain the movables and immovable properties for achieving and said objects,
o) To make meritorious student and avoid the caste system in education sector.

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