Behind Girls College, Churu
Churu, Rajasthan
01562 253429
Contact: Dr. M. M. Sheikh ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09950699786
Mission: People’s Development to mutual caring and sharing. To create awareness in the mind of people through different participatory activities in the State, so that, people can empowered themselves in the field of natural resource management, environment, livelihood, education, health and social development.
Vision: The society rare the human being have a equal opportunity to grow and is aware of capability to critically analyse their own present situation in the process of realizing their potentiality, dignity, human rights, equity etc. ISDESR will be work with the partnership of CBOs with participatory approach.
Goal: The society focus for the awareness, action and driving force for the social transformation so can people solve their problems themselves. The institute’s goal is to promote education research action in the field of social welfare development and quality