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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Contact: AGILAN ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9894544778

Activities: Water/Climate


Voice Of Youth for Clean Environment (VOYCE) is an organization created for the purpose of promoting environmental and social activism and awareness among youth. VOYCE is based on the philosophy of inspiring youth to care about the environment we are a part of, and mobilizing them to actively make the world a better place. The VOYCE movement began in Coimbatore, India as the idea of Assistant Commissioner of Police (then) Mr.R.Chakravarthy, an exemplary Police Officer and well-informed global citizen. Seeing environmental issues mount around the world while society and its leaders remained complacent, Mr.R.Chakravarthy decided that the best way to save the future of our planet was to inspire youth to get involved and take action, that they may succeed where their predecessors failed. He draws the analogy of a tank full of dirty water, which will eventually become pure as clean water replaces that which is polluted. Now, VOYCE is an Organisation of various students from all parts of the world. The group tries to give care to the worst face of environmental disasters that are taking place in all parts of the Globe. The students involve in various activities that can help at a micro level in bringing down environmental disasters. The students meet various schools and colleges to create awareness on Global Warming. The group mainly functions in Coimbatore and now has started spreading to various parts of the world. It has reached Vancouver and Kelowna parts of Canada and various parts of Tamil Nadu & India as well. VOYCE INVITES EVERYONE WHO BELIVES IN BUILDING UP A BETTER ENVIRONMENT FOR THE WORLD AHEAD.

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