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Midnapore East, West Bengal
Contact: ADITYA MANNA ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9732583142
Website: Not Available

Activities: Health/Nutrition
Project Title: “Home Base Palliative Care for Cancer patient” Project Area: Purba Medinipur district, West Bengal, India Project Description: In response to surveys showing that nearly two-thirds of Indian cancer patients do not get proper care from their family. We are shocked to hear about the death of Cancer people in Purba Medinipur district, West Bengal. Family members are not caring these patients before their death. These were avoidable deaths that have occurred on their home. I am from a rural area of Purba Medinipur district. This District is one of the 19 districts that constitute the state of West Bengal, India, predominantly rural in aspect with 75% of all economic activity related to agriculture. Usually there is only one main crop of rice per year. Previous one year I collected names a group of cancer patients from different blocks of this district. Few of this patients were treated either in private hospital or Government hospital. Most of the patients did not receive any treatment for this disease. The disease was detected in very advanced stage in most of the patients, that is very crucial. We know if this disease was detected in early stage, the recovery would have been better. These are most important for cancer patients — such as nursing, psychotherapy, medicine and social support showing them hope of light to improve the quality of life. We primarily concern about two things one is prevention and another early detection. So we advised the people for leaving habit of tobacco. Also advised to women to wear sterile pad (sanitary napkin) during the time of period or in case of bleeding per vagina. Those mothers having prolapse uterus will be suggested for surgery as early as possible. We will make people aware seeking doctor’s opinion in case of breast lump and even make them skilled about self breast examination. Our Objective:  We expect that we can offer good support to cancer patients and their family members what they deserve.  Also we can make the patients and their relatives educated regarding the disease, which will be helpful to them.  Our plan is to organize a weekly one-day (preferably Sunday) a mobile cancer care tour.  On that day we will visit 6-7 families and cover one by one cancer patient in Purba Medinipur district.  There we will provide each and every cancer patients family essential information leaflets as per part of body involved.  Our Volunteers (both male and female) will talk to people individually and confidentially on this Home Based Palliative Care Service. Guidance: We have selected Prof (Dr.). S. K. Sarkar, under whose guidance we will be trained. Dr. Sarkar is a professor and head of the palliative care unit in the Department of Radiotherapy, Medical College, Kolkata. He is also a very popular teacher and has more than 20 publications in national and international journals. We hope we can serve little for the treatment of cancer patients with help of Prof. S. K. Sarkar. We also can do wound dressing and administer high sedation drugs introduce in our presence. Those patients not taking orally can be nourished through Ryle’s tube feeding or I. V. drip par-enteral nutrition. Those patients not agreeing to receive chemo therapy for reason of hair fall can be motivated and made them understood that new hair will be grown after completion of therapy. Those patients not willing for Mastectomy surgery due to cosmetic reason can be encouraged on the basis that reconstructive plastic surgery is available for them. Future plan: If we successfully run this project, we will organize some meeting where our staffs and volunteers will present their work details and start to develop a network and support in others district for cancer people in local level. I told that it is only the beginning. My goal is to initiate locally and subsequently in long term make connection with colleagues in Purba Medinipur district and other parts of the West Bengal, such as Paschim Medinipur, Hoogly, Howrah, who are also for the similar social work.

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