NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal database, ngo funding agencies, ngo india, indian ngos, international ngos, ngo training institutes
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Priyadarshani Gramin Va Adivasi Sevabhavi Sanstha

At. Po. Sangamner, New Nagar Road,
Ahmednagar, Maharashtra
(02425) 228007/22890
Contact: Dr. Arun Damu Ithape ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9970168840/942316184
Website: Not Available

Activities: Children
Objectives:  For Women Development, Child, Youth, in rural and urban area income generating units for youth and women.  To run different activities for farmers and help them for their development. To establish cold storage, mineral water, food processing training institutes, etc.  To implement Rural Development programs both government and semi-government especially related to water availability & storage.  To establish krishi Vidyan Uydog Kendra. To give guidelines for improvement of Crops and Agriculture.  To give financial technical technical aid, marketing facilities aid from Govt. Financial Institutions or Banks for the establishment of the small scale traders and business.  To give training and technical education to the educated, unemployed youth, untrained laborers for increasing their capability and for getting better jobs.  To explain and give guidance to the needy unemployed person in respect of various schemes of Government for getting benefits of the same.  To organize health program, awareness camps for the women and child. Activities:  Vocational Training Centre  Short Stay Home  Family Counseling Centre  Sponsor A Grandparent Program  Destitute Home For Boys (D. I. Balgruh)  SWADHAR Home (For Women in Difficult Circumstances)  PPTCT (Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV infection)  HIV/TB Project (Tubercurasic)  Foster Care (Balsangopan For Destitute Children and Orphan Children)  Link Worker Scheme  Day Care Centre for Mentally Disabled  Destitute Home for Girls (L. I. Balgruh).

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