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Basavanapura devalvopment organizition

18/1veerabadraswamy nilayam,S.kurubatty (vi)sarakapally(po)denkanikota(tk)krishnagiri(dt)T,N
Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu
Contact: M.veerabadraiah ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9626132465

Activities: Children
view: full / summary Basavanapura Development Organization Posted by Veerabadraiah on April 26, 2011 at 8:00 AM Comments comments (0) Objective of Basavanapura Development Organization 1) To improve the quality Education for the Rural poor and under privileged children especially the children belonging to migrated, homeless, challenged, vulnerable, minority, scheduled caste , scheduled tribes and back ward families. 2) To evolve creative and innovative programs for elementary education as wel as non formal education for school dropouts , non school going children, and adolescent girls and boys. 3) To organize women, youths, tribes, challenged, neglected, and the marginalized communities for their development and empowerment through group activities. 4) To fight unjust discrimination and involve the participation of women in planning , implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the project. 5) To promote support for the needy women, unemployed youth, physically challenged poverty –stricken and neglected people by starting up income generation activities activities such as tailoring , vegetable vending, handicrafts and cottage industries. 6) To conduct entrepreneurship development programes and open up self employment opportunities for the rural poor. 7) To conduct awareness generation programme on HIV/AIDS provide care and support for the presentation and control of HIV/AIDS 8} To improve health ( physical, mental, Physiological)status of the rural poor. Provide training on hygiene , nutrition , primary health care, education and family planning with special focus on maternal and reproductive child health 9) To organize and promote SHGs ,CBOs youth and child groups , strengthen them to get the basic facilities through a right based approach 10) To Empower the local institutions of self governance such as Panchayath Raj institutions, build local institutions for the empowerment of resources. 11) To build linkage between people, SHGs and the various institutions . Govt departments and NGOs 12) Capacity building of the women SHGs , CBOs, Govt Departments and other NGOs Rss_feed

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