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samta shiksha samiti

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Contact: Naval kISHOR Soni ( Chief Functionary )
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Activities: Education

1. Education as we understand it There is unanimity on the issue of universalisation of primary – as well as elementary – education. But why do we want universalisation of primary/elementary education? The unanimity on the second issue – if there exists any – is superficial. All the government documents emphasise (i) the necessity of literate/armed-with-basic-education population to achieve the national goals,

(ii) need to be an economically contributing adult, and

(iii) need for everyone to earn her lively-hood. By far that is the crux of the matter according to the general view. A sizeable number of people, especially educationists and concerned citizens, feel that though the above mentioned goals are important and education perhaps should address them, they are inadequate. They omit some thing vitally important in a pluralistic and democratic society. We happen to agree with this second view, our vision of education is informed by this consideration. Education in a democratic and egalitarian society The twin ideals of democracy and egalitarianism can not be divorced from each other. Democracy is an acceptance of the principle that all human beings are essentially equal. Even if a society has not achieved equality in practice, the ideal of democracy demands a commitment to make unceasing efforts to achieve it.

1. Every human being has the right to live with dignity. And in an egalitarian and democratic society all have equal right to participate in socio-political decision making.

2. Many sections and individuals in our society are deprived of democratic participation in deciding matters that effect their lives.

3. Many find it difficult to live with dignity; due to poverty – defined as lack of control on socio-economic and political factors effecting their lives.

4. The reasons behind this deprivation can be seen as: one, lack of control over the means of production; and two, lack of opportunities to develop capabilities.

5. Education can not directly effect the distribution of means of production. It is true that education eventually changes this distribution but it takes a long and complex social process.

6. Education directly effects the personal capabilities of individuals, and thereby, of sections of society. And that is what education should aim at.

2. Development of abilities for a democratic society Some of the important assumptions

about abilities needed by citizens in a democratic society are listed below:

1. Many of the innate abilities of a human being can be developed into various capabilities.

2. Elementary education should concern itself with the capabilities which;

i) are needed for independent and rational decision making,

ii) abilities related with effective and equal participation in socio-political decision making (democratic discourse), and ii) abilities related with modes of desired action. Because these abilities are fundamental to participate in democratic processes that shape the society we live in. 3. It is not possible to give pre-set formulas to learners for rational and autonomous decision making. Such pre-set formulas would be against the very idea of autonomy of the decision-maker. 4. The only way is to have knowledge and understanding of the world we live in. That is, having information and understanding of how this world – natural as well as social or human world – functions. Therefore, development of the understanding of human and natural world should be an important aim of education. 5. But autonomy also brings responsibility with it. One who want to be autonomous in decision making must also be prepared to accept the consequences of those decisions. This implies that development of values is essential. In the rational framework values can be seen as function of understanding of the ‘effect of ones actions on others’ and sensitivity to others (‘others’ includes all living creatures). Therefore, the second (no priority is intended here) aim of education has to be moral development and development of sensitivity. 6. Aesthetics plays an important part in any social and cultural life. One can neither hope to be independent in decision making nor be responsible without having a developed aesthetic sense. The whole entertainment and fashion industry today runs and makes money on the aesthetic gullibility of the people. Education has to aim at aesthetic development of the learner as well. 7. The development of rational autonomy can not be complete without abilities to act in order to implement the decisions made. This requires various skills – skills here are generally seen as psychomotor skills. A skill can be seen as the ability to transform an idea into an action or an object, with or without tools and material. A further analysis would reveal that skills can be divided into three groups: i) those which are concerned with efficient use of our body alone, ii) those which are concerned with influencing other people’s thinking and behaviour, and iii) those which are concerned with transforming material into desired object. 8. The first kinds of skills depend upon abilities to manipulate our own bodies. Second king depend upon understanding others and efficient communication. And the third kind depend upon our understanding of the natural world (materials) and ability of precise use of, again, parts of our body, particularly hands. 9. Therefore, development of these abilities also needs to be included in the aims of education. 3. Aims of elementary education The assumptions listed in the last point can be summarised as follows:  The over arching aim of education should be to help the learner become rationally autonomous individual and a concerned citizen. Elementary education should aim at:  The development of rational understanding of the natural and social world.  Ethical and aesthetic development.  Development of psychomotor skills as well as mental skills

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