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Khordha, Orissa
Contact: HOCHIMINH SASTRI ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: -

Activities: Others


Padmashree Society was started in 1993 by an enthusiastic engineer Mr. Hochiminh
Sastri and a group of people from Bachharapatna village. The initial purpose of the
organization was to generate employment for women of the village. As part of this
effort a candle making unit was set up. The next targets of the organization were
educated unemployed youth in that area. Vocational training in house wiring, dress
making etc. was conducted using grants from state/central Govt. The above programs
were not completely non-profit activities as the organization got some percentage of
profit by selling the manufactured candles in the local market.

Once Padmashree Society had enough money to start non-profit activities, a day-care
center was started for the old people in the local area. This was followed by a
pre-school and supplementary education program for the local children. These
programs are experimenting with various innovative techniques of teaching to attract
and retain children. Last year, the school had 28 children. Due to the positive
result of the school the number of children has gone up to 62 this year. Padmashree
Society also arranges community programs to increase the educational and health
awareness among the parents of these children.


We work for better life of poor women and children.
         We work for reproductive child health.
         We work for primary education and fundamental right of the child.
         We work for women and child right and education.
         We work for socio-cultural-economic development of women and children.



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