NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Sewa Bhav Foundation

Shop No - 6, Maharaja Complex,
Dehradun, Uttaranchal
Contact: Soumya Baniwal ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available

Activities: Women/Gender,Children,Education
AIMS & OBJECTIVES : The Aims & Objectives of the Society are: (i) To work for the educational up-liftment of the rural and general public irrespective of caste, sex, creed and religion. (ii) To open, found, establish, promote, set-up, run, maintain, assist, support and/or help in setting up and/or maintaining and/or running schools, colleges, lecture halls and other establishments or institutions for advancement of education and of knowledge in Art, Science, Literature, Humanities and all other useful subjects in all their manifestations with the approval of concerned authorities. (iii) To open, found establish, , promote, set-up, run, maintain, assist, support and/or help in setting up and/or maintaining and/or running schools, colleges and other educational institutions in the lesser developed areas of the society the approval of concerned authorities. (iv) To provide distance-learning programmes for the students who, for any reason, are unable to attend the regular classes any of the institutes running under this society and in any other courses that are being taught in the institute run under this society. (v) To open, found establish, , promote, set-up, run, maintain, assist, support and/or help in setting up and/or maintaining and/or running Art colleges, Art Schools, Dance Schools/colleges, Medical colleges, Dental Colleges, Engineering colleges etc. (with or without hostel facilities) with libraries, laboratories, reading rooms etc with the permission of concerned authorities. (vi) To distribute books journals periodicals etc, among the socially and educationally backward classes, scheduled caste/tribes, adivasis and other financially not-so-sound persons of the society for upliftment of the over-all condition of the society. (vii) To encourage Art and culture of all kinds and to arrange cultural programmes from time to time. (viii) To adopt systems in the school education which would promote and stress “Learning by Doing” through the introduction of science laboratories and workshops in all the areas of learning. (ix) To impart free education to the poor, helpless and needy children/ students. (x) To open, found, establish, , promote, set-up, run, maintain, assist, support and/or help in setting up and/or maintaining and/or running hospitals, charitable dispensaries, lunatic asylums, sanatoriums, orphanages, child welfare centres, widow homes, old age homes, any other similar institution (S) or centres for rendering or providing medical relief and/or aid to the suffering humanity or for research centres and institutions for promotion of research and education for medical sciences including surgery with the permission of concerned authority. (xi) To give, provide and/or render food, medicine and other help and/or assistance in any shape or form to the poor and/or destitute persons, widows, orphans and/or to the poor, deserving and needy persons. (xii) To provide better medical facilities to the pregnant women from the neglected and/or economically weaker section of the society and also to ensure that proper attention be given towards both the pregnant woman and the newly born children. (xiii) To hold, arrange and conduct seminars, conferences, discussions, lecturers, symposia etc. for the upliftment of women in general and also to create a sense of parity/ equality among females in general. (xiv) To open institutions for Fine Art, Computer, Electronics, Home Management for women and Special Courses such as Cutting, Tailoring etc. with the approval of concerned authorities. (xv) To conduct, hold, arrange seminars, conferences, lecturers, discussions, symposia etc. for the ways and means for the overall development of the society including the weaker sections of the society and also to advice the Govt. to create such new laws as are necessary for the upliftment of the overall condition of the society in general. (xvi) To create such environment as necessary to bridge the gaps between different strata’s of society. (xvii) To promote the cultural sanctity, ethnicity and moral values among the different sections of the society. (xviii) To create a pool between traditional, ethnic, tribal and modern art in all their manifestations i.e. painting, Sculpture, Singing/ Vocal, performing Art both vocal as well as Visual and also to create a tie-up with any other group with similar motives. (xix) To start, maintain and assist any relief measures in the areas which are or become subject to natural calamities such as flood, fire, draught, famine, cyclone, earthquake, epidemic, storm, accident etc. and also to given donations, subscriptions, or contributions to institutions, establishments, centers of persons doing/engaged in relief work on such occasions. (xx) To give, provide and distribute clothes, woolens, blankets, quilts etc. and/or articles of necessity and facilities of poor. (xxi) To provide for/organize medical camps and/or health awareness programmes for medical check-up and to provide free medicine facility for the poor and needy. (xxii) To print and publish books, journals, periodicals, references, information brochures and to develop computer softwares to circulate the same. (xxiii) To provide adult education. (xxiv) To create awareness among people in general about the cause and effect of AIDS and the ways of prevention from AIDS. (xxv) To tie-up with other societies, trusts, N.G.O.’s, Groups, Organisations, Institutions, Govts. Etc. for the achievement of the aims and objects of the society. (xxvi) And generally to do all such acts as may be necessary for due and proper enforcement or execution of the aims and objects of the society.

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