NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Divya Jyothi Trust for Disabled

#145/7 Sumuka Complex, 9th Cross 6th Main 3rd Stage, Gokulam,Mysore
Mysore, Karnataka
Contact: Shivaprakash M A ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09886409563

Activities: Training


1. The trust aims to provide education, Job oriented course, technical education to the downtrodden people of the society, people belonging to scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and for financially weak people and also for people with other kinds of physical disability.

 2. To provide hostel facility for students, to provide hostel facility for working women and handicaps on payment of concessional rates.

3. To provide old age home facilities for old age people irrespective of gender and caste to which they belong.

4. To provide educational material for students.

5. For the overall development of children, children and handicaps programmes have to be conducted which will help them to develop patriotic awareness and oneness.

6. To maintain mental and physical health through yoga, meditation, nature cure treatments.

7. To arrange guest lectures on all the relevant topics to enrich the knowledge of trainess etc.

8. To develop knowledge, spirituality, provide academic and cultural education. For this, the programmes have to be designed and developed.

9. To provide library with audio and video support.

10. To provide special facilities for the blind.

11. To sum up, the missin of the trust is to assist, inspire, enable visually impaired adults and their families lead independent and dignified lives through education, training, counseling, communication and technology.

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