NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal database, ngo funding agencies, ngo india, indian ngos, international ngos, ngo training institutes
, financial management related ngos, legal aspects related ngos, fcra related ngo, income tax related ngo, registration related ngo,
provident fund related ngo, grants management in ngo, hr related ngo, developement jobs in ngo, consultants in ngo, admin related ngo,
vehicle management in ngo, travel related ngo, contracts in ngo, ngo news

Shandar Sports & Education Association, Jaysingpur

9th Lane, Shandar Chowk
Kolhapur, Maharashtra
Contact: Akhtarhussain M shafi Patel ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09850728768
Website: Not Available

Activities: Others
To promote national games, setup a modern gym and health club, to host sports meet at national / international level conducting various programs for all round development and welfare of youth,conducting various cultural / interlectual programs, competetions like rangoli, handicraft, public speaking debates, education conducting seminars/ symposiums on topics related to youth and women folk, setting up hostels, mahila ashrams, homes for aged creches , setting up councilling centers, setting up classes for adult education, starting coaching classes in stitching education, computer, and other streams and also starting special employment cell especially to suitably place the technically qualified, starting aanganwadi, balwadi, libraries, public reading rooms, making available medical facilities through medical camps, organising awareness program on women/child related diseases in general and general health awareness in particulars, striving to make available financial grants medicine to the economical weaker sections, setting up ambulance and mobile clinic network

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