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Gadchiroli, Maharashtra
Contact: MAHESH ZARKAR ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9422912958

Activities: Agriculture
A. Organizational Profile 1. Name of the Organization: SANT TUKARAM MAHARAJ GRAMIN VIKAS TRUST, DESAIGANJ 1. 2. Address and contact details: MAHESH ZARKAR, RAJENDRA WARD, AT.POST.TAH- DESAIGANJ, DISTRICT-: GADCHIROLI. PIN-441207. PHON NO. 9422912958, Contact person: MAHESH ZARKAR Fax: 07137273873 E-mail: 3. Registration details: MAHA/152/2008 Gadchiroli (Enclose a copy of 30/05/2008 Registration Certificate) (F-505/ Gadchiroli 1/08/2008) 4. Organization details: a) Organizational Structure :- Sant Tukaram Maharaj Gramin Vikas Trust Desaiganj. Regi. No. MAHA/152/2008 And Regi. No. F-5057. Has been constantly working for the child and youth social protection and Economical Rural Development of poor farmer and labour classes in the gadchiroli district which is the most tribal and backward area in the Maharashtra state. Trust/Society Experience self Project is Earthworm compost occupational groups such as contract (Labour) workers are therefore at higher risk of infection. Projects the aim of the environmental program. Earthworm workshop, Earthworm compost workshop & Earthworm Project for school. If we are granted enough fund we can extent these activities to large Number of these underdeveloped classes. Hence accept our proposal and kindly grant us Small Grants for Earthworms Workshop Project. Scheduled to be granted to the organizations, for Social and Economical Development of people farmer and student classes. : In the fall of 2008-20112And 2013, we will continue to provide support and guidance to participating school and organizations. Teachers, staff & parents interested in starting a school garden came and saw this award winning school garden. They shared ideas, learned about resources, and start planning their school garden. THE VISION of the Earthworm Project for school (SANT TUKARAM MAHARAJ GRAMIN VIKAS TRUST) Network is to build a healthy. Sustainable community where people from diverse backgrounds come together to reconnect with the land, procure, grow and cultivate a truly integrated community. We define sustainability as Meeting the needs of all people “The well being of future generations” The health of the natural environment. Indeed, your typical earthworm serves as an ecosystem engineer of sorts. As they tunnel through the soil, these passageways air and water to circulate to soil microorganisms and plant roots. *Improves soil conditions and structure. *Increases the soil ability to hold water and nutrients. *Supports living soil organisms. *Helps dissolve mineral forms of nutrients. *Buffers soil from chemical imbalances. *May provide biological control of certain soil pests. *Helps return organic materials to the soil. (a) Goal of the project EARTHWORMS RECYCLE NUTRIENTS THUS MAKING THE SOIL RICHER, THE SOILS THAT ARE POOR IN ORGANIC MATTER DO NOT USUALYY SUPPORT LARGE NUMBER OF EATRHWORMS “ Earthworms play a large part in soil functioning but the effects and implications of earthworm invasions are not well known in comparison with above- ground invasive species. Few studies have examined land-use change and tree plantation rotation effects on earthworm invasions. using replicated reciprocal experimentation, this study examined the effects of tree plantation rotation on earthworm abundance, biomass, and community structure on the earthworm compost project. earthworm compost work shop. Profit :- Profitable Earthworm Farming :- Recycle with Earthworms. Earthworm selling and shipping Guide. How to Raise, store & sell earthworm and many more. Profitable Earthworm Farming A comprehensive treatises by a research biologist, who is also a practical earth- worm breeder: a detailed scientific study of earthworm biology, history, types, classifications and reproductive processes. Earthworm business opportunities might amaze many people in the world today as to the volumes of information available on the subject. There are several things that a person must know before leaping into the dirt for their First batch of success, Earthworms will work for the right entrepreneur. The first thing you must assess before starting an earthworm business is whether. The worms and the environment they are kept in will very on the purpose of your earthworm growing business. Raising earthworms and breeding earthworms for sale will take some time and dedication on your part. However, once you are successful at growing your worms. You might also consider selling worms products along with your stock developing a successful food, an earthworm business will require you to educate yourself and do research to discover your market. If we are granted enough funds we can extent these activities to large number of these underdeveloped classes. Hence accept our proposal and kindly grant us Small Grants for Earthworms Project for School and village.

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