NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Dharmagiri Social Wlfare & Development Trust

# 9 O B Choodahalli Udayapura post Bangalore south
Bangalore, Karnataka
Contact: Mukunda K ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9481250076

Activities: Women/Gender
Mission To empower women to be control of their own lives. Mainstream them in the society where they enjoy equity in social economical, political and cultural rights with that of men and achieving this through research, community based interventions, and collaboration with existing service providers and organizations. Vision Establish a free, secular, non-denominational non-violent, non-exploitative and gender equitable Society Objectives  Special attention to the needs and aspirations of socially and economically marginalized schedule castes, scheduled tribes and other weaker segments of society physically and mentally handicapped persons, orphans and distributes with due focus on women and children.  Improve the health and nutritional status of women and children less than twelve year of age.  Organizing poor rural women into groups for their development and empowerment creating and increasing employment opportunities to increase their income and involve the participant women in planning implementation and valuation of activities envisaged  Providing health education and medical care and taking up programme of family planning and family welfare, conducting awareness and service programmes in the areas of AIDS control, blindness, leprosy etc. in dept. of Health Cancer Detection Camps. T.B. Control camps, eye camps, polio camps, medical check-up and medicine distribution camps.  Taking up programmes for providing safe drinking water and maintaining sanction in rural areas and urban slums and rural development programmes  Providing vocational training programmes to women in rural areas  Creating environmental awareness undertaking environmental improvement activities like the tree planting, oil conservation management of water resources, health, hygiene and sanitation frames of ministry of agriculture (WDPSCA) training schemes of different fields.  Experimental and innovative programmes in the field of environmental orientation to school education. Evolve methods of reach the large number of people with disability, who had little or no access to service  To accept, hold or administer any gift grants, donations or contribution in kind of money whether upon trust or not, and to make, undertake and execute any trust which may be deemed conducive to any of the objects of the trust.  To borrow money or receive money or deposit upon such terms, funds and assets of the trust as board of Trustees shall deem necessary or expedient for fulfilling the objects of the trust.  Generally to do all such other things as are deemed incidental or conductive to the attainment of all or any of the above objects  To implement the programmes of small scale industries in rural areas. Development of women through area programme (DEWTA) & (SGSY) self help group of the rural women savings, women training centers.  Providing the groups with Micro Finance through the intuitions at a very low interest rate.  HOME care center : aged home, physically handicapped widows women, disabled helpless children, helpless women and children, HIV/AIDS care center • To start vocational industrial and training institutions • To start Go loka and Go Shalas

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