NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Anti Crime & Corruption Org (regd)

Bawa Modal School Street , Prem Nagar,Kotkapura.
Faridkot, Punjab
Contact: Harvinder pal singh ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +919041272182

Activities: Welfare
“Anti Crime & Corruption Org (Regd) (ACCO)"is a name, working since 2011, in the form of a Non Government Organization (NGO). It is an organization that operates independently Now a days, our NGO is establishing its name by making its contribution in revealing out irregularities in various government departments and by making awareness among the people, about their rights. We have achieved success in different social issues and have revealed various functional irregularities in different government departments Our NGO believes to work in those issues, that involve large public interest. We are working especially for following fields; • Issues related to the safety of the environment; For revealing the functional irregularities or corruption in government departments. Issues related to benefits of the workers & to save them from exploitation . Many people contact us to sort out their individual /personal problems or to satisfy their personal grudges, however, our NGO does not work for the individuals. Moreover, if it is done, that will definitely be very exceptional case. ACCO files legally decisive RTIS ON YOUR BEHALF particularly in cases where you want to keep your identity undisclosed / hidden for security reasons. OBJECTS: The objects will be as follows:- i) To work for the elimination of terrorism in the country. Our members will work for stopping illegal entry of terrorists in our country and also will help the administration in finding out the hiding terrorists in the country. ii) To work for stopping corruption, crime, injustice, smuggling and other social evils in the society. Our members will help administration in handing over the guilty persons to them along with proper proofs. iii) To work for the promotion of cultural, musical & social activities and also to organize and/or participate in cultural & musical functions/competitions. iv) To establish, develop, maintain and grant aid in cash or in kind to hospital, medical colleges, nursing institutions, dispensaries, maternity homes, child welfare centers and/or such other similar charitable institutions in India for the benefit and use of the general public v) To organize blood donation camps and to make available blood to needy people. vi) To establish, develop and maintain educational institutions for the benefit of general public. vi) To promote friendship & national brotherhood through seminars. vii) To establish libraries relating to music, health, sports, agriculture and business. viii) To contribute in literacy campaign. ix) To help socially backward women & children by providing them free vocational training. x) To organize free medical camps and distribute free medicines to the poor..

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