NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu
Contact: S.PRADAPAN ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Health/Nutrition,SHG/IGP,Others

Mission: To attain our goal, Sustainable Life Trust creating awareness on sustainable livelihood based on environment, providing capacity building and use of native Medicare system training and developed its activities to organizing women, youth and farmers’ groups; make them for collective action for protection and conservation of natural resources, motivating them on self-sufficiency and self-determination.

Main Objectives: • To increase living standards of farming community substantially through sustainable agriculture and off-farm income-generation programmes;

• To educate and organize the powerless people to make them stronger to solve their own problems by themselves.

• To work for the rural development and welfare of the women and children, economically down trodden and socially backward.

• To motivate the people for strengthening the traditional knowledge with specific importance to their health care, agriculture, livestock and natural resource management.

• To motivate women, children, and youth to undertake activities for the promotion of environmental protection and ecological conservation;

• To encourage the use of alternate sources of energy;

• To help and generate training programme for self employment of women and educated unemployed people.

• To provide help under health & nutrition services for women and children.

• Preventive /Curative health service related work (Plantation of Medicinal plants and their popularization).

• To organize women groups and create awareness among women through provision of information of different programmes and women and child rights issues of specific concern to women and children as also on equality of social status, legal rights and help them become self-reliant and independent by their economic empowerment through income-generation activities and active participation in decision making at various stage.

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