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Wangjing Women and Girls Society WWAGS

Wangjing, Manipur - INDIA City/District: Thoubal Zip/Pin: 795148
Thoubal, Manipur
03848 222605
Contact: L. SUVAKUMAR ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
E-mail: Not Available
Website: Not Available

Activities: Women/Gender,Children,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Aged,Youth,Welfare,Others

Background of the Organization:
Services) is an organisation formed on the 22nd Dec. 1958. The idea of        existence of WWAGS came in the minds of the young and educated men and women after the 2nd World War which affected a lot of people. A lot of people died unnaturally due to the lack of food and using open tank water for drinkable purposes since they were not aware the
importance of hygiene. Seeing such conditions, some local volunteers started working in the area of development and the WWAGS cooperated with a single mind in order to fulfill their aims since the working was started for the people in the rural in accessible areas particularly women and girls of the weaker section of the society.
The WWAGS is a non-profit making, non-political, non-religious organisation and the members having the dedicated spirit in the field of public help, sticking to secularism on true democratic ground started working. The WWAGS emphasized on the income generating programmes and social upliftment of the women and girls in the
rural areas particularly the destitute and aged women. Such women are provided food,vitamins, fruits and essential commodities in cooperation with the local organisations, associations, clubs and Mahila Mandals. Regarding income generating programme, WWAGS took up programmes both in valley and hills. The WWAGS has completed some projects like income generating programme, social forestry, Adult Education, Health and Sanitation and benefited a large no. of women, men and girls
in Thoubal and Chandel District. In the hill areas, income generating programmes such as Piggery, Weaving, Social Forestry, Banana Plantation, Pineapple Plantation etc. were taken up so that they can meet their financial needs. With the aim of self employment, increasing employment opportunities for rural women living below the poverty line by upgrading and strengthening their activities WWAGS benefited men and
women in the rural areas.
In recognisation of its outstanding contribution in the field of Adult Education with the aims of literacy for all in India by 2000 A.D., WWAGS was honored with the UNESCO - National Literacy Mission (NLM) Award 1998, for outstanding contribution in the field of Adult Literacy on the 4th Feb. 1999 at New Delhi, Chaired by Dr. Murli
Manohar Joshi, Minister of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India and Prof. Federico Mayor, Director General, UNESCO, Paris, France and also WWAGS was honored the State Best Volunteer Award 2004 by the All Manipur NGOs Forum, Manipur. The WWAGS is a state level organisation working only in the state of Manipur but for the last 4 years it has been working in 8 states of North Eastern Region of India in the
fields of  North East India Zonal Water Partnership (NEIZWP) as a Convener under Global Water Partnership and India Water Partnership.
Vision; The WWAGS envisages bringing about a just and sustainable society where
collective effort will be established for gender equity and free from exploitation to caste and creed and there will be a peaceful co-existence of nature and human beings.
Mission; The WWAGS will work to realize the vision by organizing and mobilizing
people towards issue based sustainable development through People?s Participatory Planning by sharing information, experiences and resources to a perspective value based development. 
To advocate the people about their basic rights and duties and to
Promote gender equity.
 To encourage fraternity, amongst people by co-operation and
co-ordination bearing oneness of human being in mind.
  To attain equal status of each and every body by fulfilling the needs.
 To promote the coordinated management of water, land and related
resourcesfor sustainability of ecosystems.

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