NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Alpha educational and charitable trust

T.S.T Complex poovalur Road ,lalgudi tk ,Trichy Dt ,
Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu
Contact: M.Rajamanickam ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09842625711

Activities: Women/Gender,Children,Education,SHG/IGP,Others

ALPHA Educational and Charitable Trust is a Registered Non Profit, social service organization founded in the year 2006 by a group of social minded and dedicated rural youth and Educationalist hailing from the bottom strata of the rural society having clear insight to the problems faced by socially and economically downtrodden, marginalised and under privileged segments of rural poor communities working in Lalgudi,Pullambadi and Manachanallur blocks villages of Trichirappalli district and Keelapalur block of Ariyalur District. We are aiming to establish the same to nearby villages of Perambalur and Thanjore distric

t• To conduct Adult and Non-formal education to the rural poor.

• To work for Women and Child Development.

• To provide opportunities for self-employment to rural women and youth.

• To give awareness through Training Classes and Seminars for rural and urban Women, Youth SHGs. To establish health, Training centres and Demonstration farms for the benefit of the villagers without any gain or profit.

• To help villagers to form their own organization, institution to work for their development.

• Making the Leaders

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