Noronha House
Uttar Kannad, Karnataka
Contact: V. A. Noronha ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available
Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Youth,Slums
The main objectives of PDS are rural development issues like poverty alleviation, economic independence, income generation, social emancipation of the poorest rural people by providing collateral free micro credit for economically viable and environment friendly income generation activities. To undertake literacy and post literacy programs. To organize orientation, short term and in service training programs for elected members of panchayat raj institutions, teachers, health and family workers and for other developmental persons. To associate with the state welfare advisory board and the central social welfare board in designing, developing and organizing schemes, projects and programs for the development of children, women, handicapped and other down-trodden sections in rural tribal areas. Target Group The work of environmental development of the selected urban and tribal areas, and development for unemployed youth and urban people of small means form the target group of the PDS.