NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Sadguru seva charitable trust

Rangareddi, Andhra & Telangana
Contact: sharma ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9000666149

Activities: Others
SOCIAL AND CHARITABLE CAUSES SUCH AS POOR FEEDING, HELPING ORPHANS, MENTALLY CHALLENGED, EXTEND HELP TO VEDA GURUKULS SADGURUSEVA Undertakings SADGURUSEVA Agricultural Assistances to the poor farmers. SADGURUSEVA Land development for the poor farmers SADGURUSEVA Rehabilitation . SADGURUSEVA Women development SADGURUSEVA Child Care development SADGURUSEVA 10 – Orphan Schools SADGURUSEVA Sc , St , Bc Students Coaching center for competitive examinations SADGURUSEVA Poor Girls Hostels and Boys Hostels SADGURUSEVA research programmers Training in Tailoring, Computer, SADGURUSEVA Hardware and Software, Electronic servicing SADGURUSEVA Leadership training courses at the village level SADGURUSEVA EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS SADGURUSEVA Total tribal welfare schemes SADGURUSEVA Old age homes SADGURUSEVA Housing Shelter programmers to the have not in rural area SADGURUSEVA Family planning programmers SADGURUSEVA Rural Mobile health related programmers to Sc St B c and other poor people SADGURUSEVA Ambulance services are provided for transfers of patients SADGURUSEVA Monthly ration is provided to low-income households SADGURUSEVA Blankets are distributed during winter SADGURUSEVA Yoga & ayurvedasramam SADGURUSEVA To provide sanitation, pure and protected drinking water schemes for rural, urban & tribal habitats SADGURUSEVA victims of natural calamities (earth quakes, floods, etc.) SADGURUSEVA provides a free weekly Mobile Medical Service in four big slum areas SADGURUSEVA empowering the poor to become self-reliant is better than giving them aid. Its self-employment and microfinance programmes provide the unemployed and the poor with the means to improve their lives with dignity. Sewing machines, pushcarts, driver training courses, etc., can dramatically increase the earning potential of these victims of usury and unemployed. Dream to furnish the chain of SPECIAL SCHOOLS and HOSPITALS countrywide. In which we will admit different sever disable children of weaker section of all age group. SADGURUSEVA Developing Hi-Tech Hospitals & Hospital Services SADGURUSEVA Providing flood relief to the flood victims SADGURUSEVA Health Camps, SADGURUSEVA Eye Camps, SADGURUSEVA Dental Camps, Blood donation camps SADGURUSEVA Self Help Groups SADGURUSEVA AIDS Awareness programmes SADGURUSEVA All Schools and Hospitals will be fully equipped and Doctors of physio, Occupational, Speech therapy and Physicians will be available 24 hour. All Schools and Hospitals will be FREE of Cost for all children and poor peoples SADGURUSEVA Samoohika kalyanam SADGURUSEVA samoohika upanayanam SADGURUSEVA Shelter for Animals. SADGURUSEVA Rain water harvesting

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