6 Kiran Sankar Roy Road, Ground Floor,
Dakshin Dinajpur, West Bengal
Contact: Provat Kumar Mitra ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9830592741
E-mail: vpbk13@yahoo.co.in
Website: www.vpbk.org
AIM: “Man is born free but is every where in chain”. The Goal of VPBK is to free the human beings from the shackles of poverty, oppression, privation, indignity and ignorance. OBJECTIVES:
• To strive to promoting education for the children hailing from destitute families
• To aware the people regarding their rights, duties & responsibilities for the society.
• To provide preventive, promotive & curative health care service for the people in general & women & children in specific.
• To empower the rural women through micro-finance & micro entrepreneurship development programme.
• To impart vocational training for rural youth with a view to make them self-supportive.
• To an initiative for appropriate rehabilitation of the persons with disabilities.
• To provide support to the vulnerable elderly person materially & emotionally. MISSION: VPBK envisages a society economically productive & equitable, socially just, environmentally sound & genuinely democratic.