NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Samvedana Foundation

A/ 20, Keshavkunj Society, I.O.C. Road, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Contact: mr. Brijesh bansal ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09898003578


Mission : The organization envisages fulfilling its vision through education, health consciousness, and socio-economic empowerment of the social-victims. The major thrust of the org is on capacity building through our various activities and development projects. History : We, the Samvedana Foundation have been established in 2008. In the present scenario we have found that certain communities and the women of society is far away from the main stream of society, and the prime reason behind that fact is their social, economical and educational level, and that makes us to establish a foundation which can help and understand their problems . We commit the society to try our level best in improving the quality of life standard of the women, the dalit, the poor, the tribal and the backward community of society by means of improving their social, economical and educational level Aims and Objectives :

 To improve the life standard of the women of poor section.


 To help the widow and needy women & youth by means of providing training and employment .

 To adopt and educate the orphan.

 To aware women for their rights of social, economical, legal & educational.

 To make self reliant the women through various vocational training programmes.

 Provide the benefits of various schemes for the disabled.  To arrange free medical/health & blood donation camp.  To sensitise people against gender discrimination.

 Create a sense of volunteerism.

 Create thoughts of national integration.

 To aware people against child labour.

 To stop the damage to the environment & make effrots to maintian the nature.

 To awareSCs & STs for their rights of social, economical, legal & educational.

 To provide charity to society in various Our Activities

 Campaign on save girl child

 Health campaign

 Blood donation camp

 Tree plantation

 Educationally adoption of orphan children

 Development of SCs and STs through ESDP

 Women awareness campaign

 Vocational training programme s for the poor section

 Free Water distribution campiagn

 Entrepreneurship Development Programmes

 Industrial motivational campaign

 Sports meet (Volley ball, Cricket, Chess etc..)

 Special day celebration

 Cultural and sport activities for the children and youth

 Capacity Building

 Formation of SHGs

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