NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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2,Rishab Bhawan,1st Floor,Near Allahabad Bank , Bapu Bazar
Udaipur, Rajasthan
+91 294 2411165
Contact: Dilip Munshi ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +91 8696926152


Children,Education, Livelihood, Training, Health,Youth, Welfare 
LEGAL STATUS                                                                                                                                                                 
Registered under Rajasthan Societies Registration Act 1958, Regd. No. 77/82-83 Date 21/03/1983 at District registrar office, Jaipur (Rajasthan) INDIA.
Registered under FCRA 1976. Registration Number 125690032 Date: 16/11/1988 with Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
Registered in Indian Income Tax department under section 80G and 12A 

RAJASTHAN BAL KALYAN SAMITI, which is registered charity organization working since 1981 for the benefit of poor tribal community in India focusing for betterment of women and children. RBKS believes that a positive change in the society can only occur by motivating community to take on responsibility of their own development. RBKS is running 10 Graduation colleges, 1 Teacher’s Training College, 1 Nursing College, 24 schools, a residential school for 400 tribal Girls, 9 Early Childhood Care and Development Center, 17 Child Learning Center ( NFE). We are also working for Women and Child Development and supporting children through sponsorship, Natural Resource Management, watershed program Livelihood enhancement, Roof Rain water harvesting, school sanitation, and orchard development in 641 villages. Save Nature and Childhood Foundation popularly known as SANCH is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious, organization dedicated to work for betterment of disadvantaged communities in order to protect and substantiate child right.
VISION:-An Educated, healthy, Prosperous empowered and advance society in which equal opportunity is ensured for everyone

MISSION: Improve in the quality of life of people through education, awareness and formation of people organizations for natural resource management for greater reliant society

  To Work for eradication of illiteracy and provides higher education to all. 
  To create community awareness of various issues pertaining to health,
        education, livelihood, etc.
  To help in improving health care services in the village. 
  To empower woman through education and vocational training
  To increase accessibility of education facilities for deprived girls and boys
  To help communities gain knowledge and skills for additional livelihood                opportunities
  Capacity building and identification of deprived sections leadership qualities
  To organize and involve women in the process of development
  To facilitate resource (Land, water, financial, livestock, etc.) development
        and management for the poor

From 1981 to 2010 15500 students completed their studies
Present student strength 11500
90%Result in Board Examination
From 1992 to2013, total of 56 students were selected in a rural selection             competition
Residential and hostel facility for poor / Orphan Children
English Medium School in Jhalod –Tribal Area
First and only Institute to introduce science ,commerce , and computer at
        senior secondary level in tribal populated blocks
First Institute declared by GoR in the field of child welfare
750 child labors—mainstreamed
Free Education, residence, food, books, facility for 460 tribal girls
Our students participated in international jamburi at Islamabad in year
NCC , NSS Scouts activity in school and colleges
Rashtrapati award to number of our NCC and Scout Cadets
A student nominated to play in Olympic 2012
802 existing well developed
130 Farm ponds developed
92 hand pumps installed
4200 hectors land developed by various methods
468 lakh litter capacity of water harvesting storage developed 
8000 cubic mt, gully Plug, LSCD developed
5500 orchard Wadi developed
1300 families linked to lift irrigation scheme
300 Village development committees, 900 wadi-Tukdi
1000 user group, 200 SHG running
In 2500 families Sanitation block constructed under TSC
25000 families directly benefited by natural resources Management
60 anicut constructed
In 12 schools Roof Rain water harvesting tanks constructed
In 22 schools Sanitation Block Constructed in Kotra
Gabion, Check weir, ISCD .CD, subsurface dyke work done in 38 villages
Roof rain water harvesting implemented, constructed for 6 families
175 Lakh litter rain water harvesting through Tank construction
2Federations initiated
Wagar Amla Production committee
Agro Udaipur producer Company
86 Lift Renovation work Completed
47 Lift installations completed
Vei Protection
Crop demonstration, Agriculture Promotion, livestock Management program
        done  in all working  village                                                                            
Feed Manager, Cattle Through construction
User group has taken responsibility for the maintenance of the physical
Expansion of NRM activities for livelihood enhancement of tribal poor
        in other ready areas
Extension of integrated village development through sponsorship program
Universalization   of primary education in low literacy pockets in tribal area
Setting a center for livelihood, education in remote regions
Establishment of university to fulfill quality education requirement of tribal           region  and expand Coverage of higher ,vocational and professional
Enhancing services in health sector minimize gape in the area
To mobilize more resources for chronic poverty are
Roof rain water harvesting promotion 
To replicate good learning 

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