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Deepshikha Gramin Vikas Sansthan

Village: Pujari ki Dhani, Post: Gothra, Tesh. Nawalgarh, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan -333304
Jaipur, Rajasthan
Contact: Mohar Singh ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09214689320,07737232




Deepshikha Gramin Vikas Sansthan is an NGO working in Jaipur of Rajasthan with the following aims and objectives. 

DGVS Profile Deepshikha Gramin Vikas Sansthan Profile Vision Holistic Rural Development through community participation at all level. Achieve economic self – sufficiency, empowerment, improve the awareness levels and action through concentration on socio- economic and legal mode Mission Deepshikha GVS’s mission is to make real the idea of a society consisting of free and equal citizens who are able to come together and solve the problems that affect them in their particular contexts. The commitment is to work for a paradigm of development and governance that is democratic and polyarchic. Key Issues  Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries,  Aged/Elderly,  Agriculture,  Art & Culture,  Biotechnology,  Children,  Civic Issues,  Differently Abled,  Disaster Management,  Dalit Upliftment,  Drinking Water,  Education & Literacy,  Environment & Forests,  Food Processing,  Health & Family Welfare,  HIV/AIDS,  Housing,  Human Rights,  Information & Communication Technology,  Legal Awareness & Aid,  Labour & Employment, DGVS Profile  Land Resources,  Micro Finance (SHGs),  Minority Issues,  Micro Small & Medium Enterprises  Women Empowerment Our Values  Empowerment  Transparency  Sustainability  Equality Strengths  Strong grassroots links  Field-based development expertise  The ability to innovate and adapt  Process-oriented approach to development  Participatory methodologies and tools  Long-term commitment and emphasis on sustainability  Cost-effectiveness To accomplish our objectives of sustainable social changes we adhere to and work on following strategies:  Complete knowledge of health, education, cleanliness and environment conservation among community members  Ensure reach of health services in the community  Increase demand of health services in the community  Capacity building of community  Establish communication with the community  Behavior change of community  Organizing villagers into Village Development Committee and capacitating them for development  Apply principles of Participation in identification and prioritization of problems and also in identification of development programmes DGVS Profile  Use regional and cluster approach in identification of solution to Issues in the area  Collaborate with the institutions, community organizations and individuals with similar understandings and approaches  Capacity enhancement through meetings, trainings and exposure visits  Restoration and regeneration of natural resources  Empowerment of poor and marginalized  Promotion of gender sensitive community participation  Establishing networks and alliances with other like-minded organizations  Advocacy and lobbying in favour of poor 

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