NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Rural Education and Action for Liberation (REAL) - Villupuram

No.21 (appt 1B), Shahul Towers, Anna Nagar Main Road, Pondicherry - 605 005
Villupuram, Tamil Nadu
Contact: A.Lawrence ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9443341472




Rural Education and Action for Liberation (REAL) - Villupuram of Tamil Nadu 

To educate the rural children, women and the youth through suitable educational programmes.

To improve the under developed and under privileged rural communities through integrated socio-economic, education, health and community development activities.

To extend relief and rehabilitation measures to the affected people due to natural and for man made calamities and disasters.

To provide sustainable rehabilitation programme for child labourers, disabled and distressed women.

To impart awareness and functional education to the weaker and dalit sections regarding health and hygiene, water and sanitation, legal rights, livelihood improvements etc.

To provide skill training and technical knowledge for sustainable income generation programmes and management of locally available resources.

To undertake the community level organization for fostering unity and solidarity among the poor and dalit rural people and enable them to organize better management system of economy and local resources.

To organize women and promote savings and thrift and initiate income generation programmes.

To initiate and encourage women participation in all the fields of social and economic development activities as that of men.

To adapt appropriate technology and programmes and improve the skills among the youth and women for their entrepreneurship development.

To take up programmes like sustainable agricultural development, organic farming, vermin compost and to ensure sustainable development.

To promote the human rights of women and children and attain their empowerment through generating awareness, education and trainings. 

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