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OUTREACH Association of Volunteers for Rural Development

205,HBR Layout1st stage extn,2nd Block,80 Ft road
Bangalore, Karnataka
080-25439934 /35/36
Contact: N D Tiwari ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9448360161


OUTREACH is a non-profit organization working in Southern India since 1993.It is a registered NGO under ‘The Karnataka State Societies Registration Act, 1960.Its central office is located in Bangalore and the project centres are at Arkalgud, Bagalkot, Bellary, Bidar, Gauribidanur in Karnataka, Bhadrachalam, Madanapalli, Nellore in Andra Pradesh, Hosur in Tamil Nadu.

OUTREACH works in eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting health care and sanitation, making safe drinking water available, promoting gender equality, empowering women, ensuring environmental sustainability and ecological balance, social and agro forestry, natural resource management, watershed management, revolving fund and enterprise development, skill development for livelihood improvements etc.

OUTREACH has under taken programmes for capacity building of grass root NGOs, panchayaths, government officials, corporate and banks. The organization focuses on building people’s institution as a foundation and empowers the communities for self reliance and improving the quality of their lives and taking up various developmental activities. The organization is involved in forming various types of CBOs, namely, Self Help Groups, Cluster Level Associations, Federation of CLAs, Village Forest Committees, Watershed Development Committees, Tank Management Institutions, Crop Insurance Groups, Farmers Clubs Joint Liability Groups. There are currently 3394 SHGs working with OUTREACH Centres of which, 2165 SHGs formed under Joint Forest Planning and Management (JFPM). In contrast to top down technical planning, OUTREACH has a different approach built on participatory approaches and methodologies i.e. ; Listening to the community, Understanding problems with the community, Getting consensus, Developing strategy, Checking ideas against experience and progress, Constant review and re-affirmation. ONSITE is a special initiative of OUTREACH that caters to the non formal education, nutrition and health needs of the children of migrant construction workers since, 1993. 20,000 Children were benefitted with basic education, health care and nutrition programs. More than 5,000 children were sent to residential and formal schools. About 5,000 health camps, awareness camps and special camps have been conducted and the programs continued. Vision of OUTREACH “Reach out to the rural poor for creating self-reliance for improving the quality of their lives”

Mission Statement of OUTREACH

• To work with vulnerable rural communities of degraded and drought-prone regions to enable them to organize themselves into viable institutions

• To empower these communities to place legitimate demands on the system to address developmental needs for sustainable livelihoods. In the recent years, OUTREACH is undertaking programmes in collaboration with several organizations like NABARD, Watershed Development Department, Karnataka State Department of Forest, Indian Council of Agriculture Research, ARGHYAM and ITC ltd. Our major thrust area has been Education, Natural Resources Management and Watershed Development. Interest Areas- Education

• Formal and non-formal education

• Girl child education

• Digital literacy / computer education Health care and family welfare

• Reproductive and child health care, supplementary nutrition

• Safe drinking water, sanitation — individual household toilets Sustainable livelihood

• Self-help groups (microfinance for women and farmers)

• Integrated agriculture development

• Watershed management

• Microenterprise development

• Skill development / vocational training Since OUTREACH is already working in some of the key areas mentioned above, it coincides with your company’s interest, hence OUTREACH would like to collaborate with your company.


Tags: NGO Database,OUTREACH,Bangalore Arkalgud,Bagalkot,Bellary,Bidar, Gauribidanur,Karnataka,Bhadrachalam,Madanapalli,Nellore Andra Pradesh, Hosur, Tamil Nadu,Funds for NGOs, Health,HIV/AIDS,India 

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