NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Thoubal, Manipur
Contact: SAGOLSEM INAOBI SINGH ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: nill

Activities: Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Education,Training,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Livelihood,SHG/IGP,Youth,Others

Activities: The socio economic Development association was established with aim of to improve rural and urban all round development.
Aim/Objective/Mission: the socio economic development association (SEDA) athokpam awang leikai Thoubal district Manipur (INDIA) established on 23rd august 1984 for all round development of the villages particularly in manipur state. Athokpam awang Leikai is a part of thoubal assembly constituency and situated in the eastern part just near the NH 39 Indo -Burma road. It is a historical place of anglo-Indian war in the year 1889 for the cause of Independence. The SEDA was established by the social minded or like minded educated unemployed youth for the development of social economy of rural and urban people and needy people in the field of education,sports, culture, health, sanitation and environment,NMGOs funding agencies of national and international. from the assisance of the this SEDa, it had done some of the its vision and objectives by organising social camp for the sanitation . health, environmental to the poor as well as needy people as earning for fund drive etc. secondly ,to build up the youths for the health body and mind it had organised tournament sprots meets etc. annually and joined the sports meet such as football, voleyball,kho-kho, boxing, wrestling, kabaddhi and individual items organised by the other association. thirdly, to light the dark education in the main key for all, the SEDA had taken up vocational and voluntarily educational to the children, coaching and free tuition for higher classes of SC/St/OBcs besides career guidence is open to all the students. fourthly,day by day human thought was bound by evils, to enable the social economy, SEDa had organised lecture, seminars, self helf group. micro finance to the needy people in order to increase the living standard and for social harmony and peace everywhere in Manipur. Fifthly,villagers/rural areas is mostly backward,SEDA had organised free medical camp every year with the voluntary doctors who helps us. and awareness campaign ,seminar,trainning, coaching,games,HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, Malaria Tb etc. at different places. besides these, the seda had taken up the present issues of the rural areas in income generation,cultural expose and training to keep our land green by planting the awarenessetc. were the main programme of the society every year for the welfare of rural people.

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