NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Rajasthan Human Care Foundation

21, Champa Nagar, Gurjar ki Thadi, New Sanganer Road, Jaipur
Jaipur, Rajasthan
Contact: Vishnu Sakunia ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09829014590

Activities: Capacity Building
The Major Objectives
To Organize and implement the Vocational Trainings, Educational (Formal / Non-Formal) Programmes for the rural areas as well as in urban areas.
To promote literacy, cultural and other social activities by awareness programmes , symposium , cultural prgrammes, free medical and health camps , and campaigning etc.
To render services to women, children and youth of the society for their actual moral, Agriculture, Horticulture, Livestock Promotion Activities, social and legal rights through organizing seminars / campaigning and socio-economic up liftmen of women and child rights and privileges for SC/ ST and other backward classes etc.
To make survey for collection of data’s for the attainment of any object of the Society. To take-up effective but reasonable and lawful steps for the radiation of such as Bal Vivah, Dowery System , use of wine, smack and Child Labors.
To conduct training & implement the schemes related to research programmes for control of pollution polluted diseases and to maintain / develop / secure the herbs, medicinal plants, forest and environment etc.
To organize training & implement the schemes related to Khadi, Handloom, Handicrafts and associate the craftsman through SHG.s and cluster development.

Major Activities
The main thrust areas of the organization are the follows:
• Health and Sanitation
• Agriculture, Horticulture, Livestock
• Water and Sanitation
• IEC, Survey
• Environment
• Income Generation
• Education
• Women’s Empowerment
• Relief Work,
• Revival of traditional health system
• Energy Conservation
• Poverty alleviation
• Actions based on rights and issue
Classify the Nature of Activities of the Organization
 Trainings
 Workshops /seminars/ symposia etc.
 Survey, Research and Documentation
 Consultancy
 Service Delivery
• institutional
• non-institutional
 Assistance to other organizations,
 Technical and financial or either
 Advocacy, community contact /mobilization /campaigns
 Networking
 Fund raising

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