NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
(07625)- 271381
Contact: BHARAT NAMDEO ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9425466762
Website: www.jbsk,org



Target group Rural poor communities, Tribal Women and Children, Including men more so with Communities who are below the poverty line, Marginal Farmers, Land less labors, Child Labors and artisans.
Vision “To bring about change in the most dark and gloomy situation of the tribal and rural community of the region so that they enjoy the fruits of equality, justice and equal share in the process of development by active participation.”
Mission “For healthy and sufficient rural/tribal India, Jai Bharti Shiksha Kendra work for the education i.e. both technical and formal, health and economic empowerment of youth, women, children and the old age people. The organization also give special stress for the rehabilitation of physically challenged and the preservation of environment.”
1. To work for the welfare and self dependency of women and children by running educational and training centers
2. To work with the weaker section of the society for their economic, social and moral development
3. To established the institutions providing education and technical training for the welfare of needy people and upliftment of the society
4. To identify handicapped and organized training for their rehabilitation
5. To create awareness in the society for the environment preservation
6. To work in the area of women health focusing violence against women, gender issue, infant mortality and maternal mortality etc.
7. For the human rights issues especially related to labor, child labor, dalits, tribal, minority class and weaker section of the society
8. To network with government, semi government, non government organization and like minded agencies for the all round development of the Urban and Rural community by conducting and running different programmes and activities.
Strategy Jai Bharti Shiksha Kendra believes in promoting human rights, dignity and gender equity through poor people’s social, economic and human capacity building. Jai Bharti Shiksha Kendra emphasis at the individual level, sustaining. The work of the organization depends on an environment that permits the poor to break out of the cycle of poverty and hopelessness. For this Jai Bharti Shiksha Kendra endeavors to bring about change at the level of national and global policy on poverty reduction and social progress. Jai Bharti Shiksha Kendra is committed to making its programmes socially, financially and environmentally sustainable perusing new methods and improved technologies. As a part of its support to the program participants and its financial sustainability, Jai Bharti Shiksha Kendra is also involved in various programmes like Poverty reduction, Sanitation Promotion, Tribal welfare, Health support, Economics mobilization, Women empowerment and Conservation of natural resource, Promotion of cultural activities. Jai Bharti Shiksha Kendra mainly focuses on the Tribals and Poor. Given that development is a complex process requiring a strong dedication to learning and sharing of knowledge and being responsive to the needs of the poor, Jai Bharti Shiksha Kendra places a strong emphasis on their organizational development, simultaneously engaging itself in the process of capacity building on a national scale to accelerate societal emancipation. The fulfillment of Jai Bharti Shiksha Kendra mission requires the contribution of competent professionals committed to the goal and values of Jai Bharti Shiksha Kendra, there fore fosters the development of the human potential of the members of the organization and those they serve. In order to achieve its goal, wherever necessary, Jai Bharti Shiksha Kendra welcomes partnerships with the community like members of the Voluntary organization, Government institutions, and Community Based Organizations, Private sector and development cadres from both in country and abroad.

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