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Abhivruddhi Society for Social Developement

near TUDA Layout, Manjunathanagar 2nd cross,
Tumkur, Karnataka
Contact: C Narasimhamurthy ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9448370387

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Training,Tribal & Indegeneous,Micro Finance,Sponsorship/Adoption,Organisational Devp,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Livelihood,SHG/IGP,Disaster Management,Physically & Mentally Challenged,Aged,Youth,Water/Climate,Slums
Background of the organization:

ABHIVRUDDI society for social development is a voluntary organization working in most drought prone and backward districts such as Tumkur, Hassan, Bellary, Bagalkot and Bangalore rural districts. The organization dedicated to the development of children, women and the environment. The goal of the organization empowers marginalized women with emphasis on the protection of children’s rights, sustainable agriculture, Community health and natural resource management. The organization is involved in the implementation of various rural development programs such as promotion of peoples organization (SHG), capacity building of village watershed committees, providing entrepreneurship awareness training to the SHG members, promotion of traditional skills like rural artisan, empowerment of women through capacity building and awareness programs, health and awareness programs for school children, plantation programs involving school children etc. the organization is serving the rural community since twenty years.

The mission of the organization is to promote sustainable rural development through appropriate development interventions based on local resources and with the involvement of local community based organizations.
Fostering a society wherein women are empowered enough to lead decent life; all children are healthy, happier and enjoy their childhood rights, especially with right to education; and creating sustainable and humane society wherein all living being have access to resources and manage their livelihood.


 To enable the rural communities particularly the weaker section to design and implement economic programme so as to achieve sustainable development.
 To create awareness against exploitative nature of existing social order and to work towards an alternative society with social justice and human dignity.
 To organize rural women and enable them to spearhead development activities in order to eradicate Social evil and bring natural justice.
 Integrate sustainable livelihood programme through participatory approach by enhancing productive improvement activities.
 Organize rural mass to form Community Based Organization (CBOs) and Self Help Groups (SHGs) to manage their resources both physical and financial.
 To promote, guide, undertake, maintain and co-ordinate projects and programmes for communities to become socially and environmentally aware and active for their development and self-governance.
 To promote sustainable agricultural practices along with agro-forestry and silvi-pasture.
 To set-up study groups for the study of social, economic and environmental problems and to take up appropriate activities leading to prosperity of marginalized groups with safe environment.
 To provide formal and non-formal educational facilities for the needy people.
 To help farmers in activities of afforestation, micro-irrigation, livestock promotion, conserving soil, water, watershed and they’re by to develop and conserve the natural resources and manage livelihoods on sustainable basis.
 To train youth and children of poorer families to develop their capacities and leadership qualities in order to mainstream the youth power for rural development.
 To promote health and self-reliance among deprived and vulnerable communities.
 To organize vulnerable families, especially Dalits and Tribal and empower them with necessary skills of livelihood options on sustainable basis.

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