NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Chauson Education Society (R)

14, MLA Layout, RMV II stg, IV Blk, New BEL Road, Bangalore-560094
Bangalore, Karnataka
Contact: Surendranath Chaugule ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +91 98453 98194
Website: Not Available

Activities: Education,Training,Welfare,Others
Aims and Objectives:

The aims and objectives of the society are:

a. To establish Schools, Colleges and Hostels in India and abroad.
b. To introduce any possible improvements in the system of education in its and other institutions from
time to time. And to do Research Work in this system.
c. To organize, whenever necessary, public opinion on matters of educational, cultural importance and
the present trends in education.
d. To establish, promote or assist in establishing or promoting and to subscribe to or become a member of
affiliate, amalgamate with any or association whose aims and objects are similar to this society.
e. To issue bulletins or journals, to publish books, pamphlets or dissemination of useful information to its and other institutions.
f. To make representation, to submit memorandum, to persue government Universities and or other autonomous bodies on matters
pertaining to education and other objects of the society.
g. And to do all such other lawful matters such as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above or any of the objects of
the society.

h. To promote social, economical, educational, and cultural development of the destitute especially rural women and children by
empowering them to become self reliant.
i. To provide vocational training programmes and job oriented courses especially for the poor destitute children and women.
j. To provide health education, medical care and taking up programs of family planning and family welfare, conducting awareness
and service programs in the areas of AIDS control, Blindness, Leprosy, population control, etc.
k. To conduct welfare programmes for the benefit of physically handicapped.
l. To conduct welfare programs for Orphans & neglected street children.
m. To take up welfare programs for the benefit of the Senior Citizens and empowering them with the ultimate aim to take decisions
pertaining to their own lives.
n. To take up programs for the benefit and social and economic upliftment of suppressed and exploited women like devadasis,
widows, etc.
o. To conduct programs for the welfare of drug addicts and alcoholics.
p. To take up programs for awareness and empowering women to fight for issues such
as gender equality, rights of women, etc.
q. To take up income generation programs for the poor sponsored by any funding agency including the Khadi and village Industries Commission or state Boards, state and central social welfare boards, women welfare boards, etc.
r. To take up programs for environmental awareness and sustainable development for maintaining ecology.
s. To take programs for waste land development and social forestry.
t. To take up programs to provide clean drinking water facilities and maintaining sanitation in rural areas and slums in urban areas.
u. To set up mobile Libraries, Reading rooms and community halls for the benefit of the underprivileged.
v. To organize lectures, seminars, meetings, conferences and exhibitions for awareness to control population, AIDS and other health related diseases.
w. To coordinate and take up service activities & schemes, proposals for effective implementation from the United Nation’s Organizations and its service Organizations such as World Health Organization, Education, Family Planning, AIDS, Foreign Universities and Institutions, etc.
x. To raise funds through Membership Subscriptions and donations, fees, grants, Consultancy from individuals, companies, the state and central governments and its agencies and by promoting any industries to implement the objectives of the association.
y. To acquire land and buildings by lease, purchase, rental, mortgage and through acquisition proceedings under the Land Acquisition Act 1894 and rules there under for the purpose of the objects.

z. To lease, rent lands and buildings to its own institutions promoted for the implementation of its objects.
aa. To give Scholarships and assistance to the deserving poor meritorious students and assist persons who are in distress.
ab. To receive and collect any gift, subscriptions and donations either in cash or in kind or
acquire by any other lawful ways and means and spend the same in fulfillment of any of the
objectives of the association.
ac. To take over, absorb, or amalgamate with any other Association or institution whose objects are similar to the objects of the Association.
ad. Promotion of Education, Literature, Fine Arts, Charity, Sports, etc.
ae. To take up program of state and central government for community development.
af. To take up rural empowerment programs especially to meet the Aims and Objectives of the society as stated above.

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