NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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No. 3826, Nityadhar Building, Tipu Sultan Nagar,
Belgaum, Karnataka
Contact: Anand B. Lobo ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9448193220
Website: Not Available

Activities: Women/Gender,Children,Organisational Devp,Health/Nutrition,Livelihood,SHG/IGP,Slums,Welfare
The Vision of SEVAK has been;
To create a more equal, just and sustainable society where people live without extreme poverty, self reliant live in clean environment and the empowered poor have fulfillment and a sense of self worth. The core of the vision is “Right to life with dignity for all”
Mission of SEVAK:
SEVAK aims to empower the socially and economically weaker sections of the society, especially women, children, aged and disabled through providing advice, information, services and by participating with the intermediatory organsiations in extending cooperation and facilitation and initiate necessary support for their self reliance.
Core Values:
SEVAK strongly believes in the following core values;
• Integrity
• Respect
• Commitment
• Collaboration
• Partnership
• Creativity
• Independent living
• Diversity.

Aims: To initiate activities to create an atmosphere for all round development of human beings and promotion of environment with a special focus on disadvantaged sections especially children, women, tribals, disabled and dalits.

Main Objectives:

(a) To promote charity, education and health for the poor

(b) To undertake social and economic development programmes to reduce poverty, unemployment and illiteracy

(c) To promote savings and thrift through formation of Self Help Groups of economically weaker sections.

(d) To provide free education and free hostel facilities for the poor children.

(e) To open care centers and short stay facilities and rehabilitation centers for women, children, aged and disabled who are in difficult circumstances and for people suffering from terminal illness.

(f) To run vocational courses and promote income generation activities in feasible trades for poor families to increase their income.

(g) To promote up-gradation of Natural Resources through conducting soil and water conservation programmes, watershed, organic and sustainable agriculture.

(h) To promote health and family welfare, immunization for children and women, prevention and care of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria.

(i) To promote child rights, child protection and to create child friendly environment at family, in school and in the communities.

(j) To promote participation of the socially backward section in the institution of local governance.

(k) To work for the successful implementation of progrmmes of National interest such as health and family welfare, immunization, family planning, education of children, adult education, environment protection, eradication of social evils, child marriages, child labour etc.

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