Khawjayarbal Road, Saida Kadal,Rainwari, Kashmir, 190003, m:9906611544
Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir
Contact: Faizan Hasan Khan ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available
Activities: Academic Research and Community Development
“Mukhtar Memorial Society For Academic Research & Development”,is a Non governmental organization,Non profit organisation.The main aims and objectives of our society are: 1) To introduce quality conscious system in the community,organise learning activities at primary, higher and professional levels. 2) To work and improve the quality of family life and create awarness among women for better health,hygiene,childcare,aids awarness programes etc. 3) To establish educational institutions at pre-primary,primary,tertiary and higher profreesional level for bringing continuous change and development. 4) To work directly for the upliftment of under-privileged groups,including small and marginal farmers,women,children. 5) To work with various N.G.Os at national and international level,to give the best in capacity building and carry out grass root educational,social and development activities. 6) To organize periodic conferences ,workshops ,meetings ,lectures ,and health awareness camps. 7) To establish a senior citizen club where discussions and lectures shall be held regularly.The club shall b equipped with books, journals, and internet facility.All indoor and outdoor games and sports activities shall be provided in shape of walks, adventure sports, in house games, snooker, table tennis, badminton etc 8) To Publish daily and weekly news paper, journals, reports, newsletters and other literature, and develop a network of information and knowledge relating to research and other development work. 9) To focus on education, capacity up gradation and community development , to bring holistic human resource development of the community. 10) To intoduce quality conscious system in the community, so that human resources of social and functional relevance , high quality and capability is created 11) To organize learning activities at primary , higher and professional level, through formal and non formal education strategies. 12) To achieve sustainable development through continuous ,value based and all-round education with community participation.