NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Pune, Maharashtra
Contact: Dr SANDIP BAMBURDE ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 7709101504

Activities: Women/Gender,Education,Training,Micro Finance,Organisational Devp,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,SHG/IGP,Physically & Mentally Challenged,Aged,Slums,CSR
1 Opening and running modern hospital with latest technology and all facilities and amenities. As also starting Medical Facility Centers at various places for the society.
2 Providing poor and needy patients medical assistance and starting Health Awareness Centers for them and society as well with medical advice and guidedance.
3 Organizing the Health Camps with the help of Foundation eg. Family Planning Camps, Cataract Operation Camps, Distributing free spectacles, Blood Donation and Eyes Donation Camps
4 Giving training regarding health. Organizing and conducting seminars, meetings, camps, gatherings, classes, lectures etc and organizing medical camps.
5 Caretaking rural villages by foundation, giving training for health awareness and providing medical facilities. Providing medical services and mobile medical services in such villages.
6 Taking research on various deceases on behalf of the foundation. Like wise running para medical courses, eg. – nursing, DMLT etc and starting and running medical colleges.
7 Creating health awareness in the society, canvassing and propagating various types of the medical facilities and treatments through foundation.
8 Running Nursing Institution through foundation and starting research centers for various deceases on continuous basis.
9 Creating special aids center and providing various information, treatments, prohibitory precautions and starting upto date treatment center and consultation center.
10 Constructing swimming tanks with latest amenities and give training and skills of swimming to students and youth and make them efficient.
11 Organizing various joint programmes of other institutes and medical trusts through foundation.
12 Crating and running special allergy center and skin deceases center and implementing projects like pharmaceuticals garden ( medicinal plants, tree plantation project and social tree planting programmes)
13 Starting programmes and awareness camps for Contagious deceases and its treatment and also research center for diabetes and high blood pressure deceases.
14 Creating and running fully equipped and uptodate library for health and medical laboratory.
15 Visiting and checking health of the students of various schools, colleges on behalf of the foundation and give guidance to them.
16 Starting and running sports gymkhana for youth and give them yoga training and guidance. Creating sports complex.
17 Conducting various immunization programmes and creating centers for them on behalf of foundation.
18 Organizing and conducting seminars, meetings, camps, gatherings, classes, lectures etc and organizing medical camps for hepetitatus B Jaundice, typhoid, rubella, aids for social awareness and prevention of the deceases for spreading in the society and checking health of school students through health camps and lectures.
19 Starting rehabilitation center on a continuous basis and awaking the people through camps and lectures regarding the deceases.
20 Starting nursery and play group schools, pre primary school, primary school, secondary, higher secondary, medical, technical, legal institutions in English and Marathi medium.
21 Arranging awareness programmes through camps, gathering, lectures on social problems like child labour, child marriages, sex discrimination, caste discrimination, habitual drugs, intoxication patients etc.
22 Starting centers for alcoholics, counseling center and arranging programmes for restarting the life of such people.
23 Arranging health check up camps for children, males and females and helping them in family planning and in improving health.
24 Helping in natural calamities like draught, earthquake, floods, fire, critical medical operational expenses to affected people.
25 Organizing various types of tournaments of youths and complete them successfully. And honor them with prizes and mementoes.
26 Inculcating the awareness among the rural citizens of social service and medical service.
27 The highly educated and talented citizens of the society in the field of social work, medical work, scientific field, technical field, talented workers shall be honored and acknowledged. Their famous work should be put before the society.
28 Starting old age homes, helpage homes and starting natural therapy center for all citizens and childrens.
29 Organize various social programmes like banning alcohol, dowary system, social forestry, common marriage ceremonies, women help centers, child care centers, educational programmes for illeterates, adult education programme, family planning and health camps, blood donation camps, eye donation camps, distribution of goggles, ambulance facility etc.
30 All those programs within the frame work of law and byelaws of the foundation.

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